Page 6 of Mavericky

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I clear my throat and the fucker smirks at me, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip, as desire fills his gaze, showing he knows what he is doing to me.

I pull my gaze from his only to meet a smirking Royal. Shaking my head, I speak up.

“No, it is not against the law to have a drink, but I can assume this is not your usual place to have a drink. So I am entitled to think that you are here for the same reason I am.”

The smirk slips off Royal’s face and I see him and the other men tense up. Yeah, thought so.

“I was not born yesterday, Royal. I know who this cunt is, and I have zero doubt that the club was brought in to help find him, but I am telling you now that you need to let the law handle him.”

“Not going to happen,” Maverick spits out.

He steps closer, and I can feel the anger rolling off him as he looks at me. Gone is the desire I saw a few moments ago.

“You are not above the law, Maverick,” I reply, my spine stiffening.

Folding my arms, I glare at the sexy man in front of me.

“Maybe not, but you know as well as we do that we can do so fucking much more than you because of all of the fucking rules and laws that you have to stand by. We can’t hand this fucker over to you, Cal. He deserves all the pain that is coming to him,” Maverick explains.

His gaze hardens, and his breathing has picked up. His muscles are bunched, showing his anger.

As much as I am proud of them for standing by their beliefs so they can help people more than we can, as well as being more than willing to help anyone who needs the little extra help and support, at the end of the day, this case has landed on my desk, and I need to bring the guy to justice.

“I agree with you, but I cannot back down; a detective from the UK has been in contact and sent me the file on this fuck who you are hunting also, do not bother to deny it. The file is on my desk, so I need to bring him in when I find him.”

“Bullshit. Let us do this, Cal; we need to do this. Walk away,” Maverick snarls.

Shaking my head, I step back, not out of fear but because I need to defuse the situation before it gets more volatile.

I go to step around him, but he grips my bicep, stopping my steps.

“Can’t let you do that, Sheriff,” he growls.

Looking down to where he is holding me, I know he can feel the spark that fired when he touched me. Fuck me, my body has come alive, even from a touch that is brewing with anger.

“Let me go.” I snatch my hand away. “You have no right to fucking touch me, Maverick.” I hiss his name.

Even with the anger palpable between us, the lust is shining through also.

How can this be?

“Leave,” he snarls, stepping to me.

We are almost nose to nose, and I can feel his warm breath on my face. Instinctively, I lick my lips, his gaze dropping to my mouth, tracking the action.

“Alright, you two, that is enough.” Royal pulls me back, while Jack handles Maverick.

“Look, we both want this fuckhead off the streets and six feet under. Can’t we work together or some shit?” Travis asks, stepping up to us.

I can’t pull my gaze away from Maverick. The heated, yet angry look he is throwing my way is making my cock twitch. Fuck me, I need to get laid. Preferably by a sexy dark- haired biker.

Blinking, I step back from the group.

“No. I have people who know all about him coming here to escape his family’s wrath, but also the British police know he is here. If you have any information, I suggest that you hand it over, so we can catch him and bring him in and let justice be served.”

This time Maverick doesn’t growl or grunt, he laughs. Fucking bellows out a laugh at what I just said.

I stand and watch, mesmerized by how fucking hot he looks laughing. He is a handsome man at the best of times but seeing him smiling and laughing, fuck me, that is a shot of lust to the balls.
