Page 8 of Mavericky

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Guns N’ Roses is blasting through my speakers. The beat of the drums fuels my hits on the bag. Images of the fucking cunt flash through my head, his crying and begging for us to stop.

Not once did he fucking stop when those poor girls cried for him to. Oh no, he cut them more.

I drop my arms, the feeling of lead filling my veins, making them heavy. Resting my head on the punching bag, I breathe through my nose and out through my mouth to try and get much needed oxygen into my lungs.

A rap on the door gets my attention; turning my head I see Luna leaning against the door jamb.


“Hey, Cous. I just got home and found a certain man in uniform waiting outside the building. I am going to go out on a limb and say that he is here for you.” She winks.

At the mention of Cal, my dick tingles.

“Did you let him into the building or leave him outside?” I ask her, then I walk over to the chair and pick up my towel and wipe the sweat from my face and hair.

“I let him in. He is waiting for you.”

I nod to her. “Thanks, babe.”

“You got it. I would say keep it down, but we know how you like to make people scream taking your cock, Maverick Burke.” Throwing me a wink, I smirk back at her.

“What can I say, they love the monster cock I have between my legs, Luna baby. You can’t say anything, I have heard women scream from your place, even though it was one of the rules not to bring people back here.”

She shrugs, and I see a wicked glint in her eyes.

“Rules are meant to be broken, Mav. Biker brats play by their own rules. It is not like anyone gives a fuck. Most of you guys are married off anyway, and I am sure that Calder can fuck his skanks at their place.”

“True.” I walk to her and kiss her cheek as I pass.

“Ewww, you are all sweaty and shit, fuck off with all that testosterone and go shower.”

I laugh as I climb the stairs, taking two at a time. My heart is now racing for a different reason. Keeping my towel in my hand I keep drying my face and neck, my body still hot from the work-out.

I round the corner that leads to the lobby, and I see him leaning against the wall, his legs crossed at the ankles, while he looks down at his phone.

All the negative energy seeps from my body and my shoulders slump a little when I lay my eyes on him. He is no longer in his uniform but is now wearing jeans and a plaid shirt.

I take an extra-long look at him, appreciating how fucking hot he is. Cal Warren is six years older than me but fuck if it doesn’t add to his appeal. Even when I was younger and just starting out fucking, I always seemed to be more attracted to people older than me.

He smiles down at his phone and holy fuck, that is a nice smile. His lip gets trapped in his teeth when he bites down, making my cock throb between my legs. As cheesy as it sounds, I want to bite that lip, and so much more of his body.

With lazy steps, I move towards him, taking him in even more.

“Sheriff,” I call to him.

His head snaps up, his eyes going wide as he takes in my bare chest that is still damp with sweat. As I step closer, I see desire fill his eyes and I like it there.


“Why are you here?” I ask, enjoying his eyes on me.

My cock pulses behind the thin material of my basketball shorts, and I smirk seeing Cal drop his gaze to my crotch.

Bringing his gaze back up to meet mine, I am surprised when he steps closer. Licking his lips, he dips his head so his mouth brushes against my ear.

“I think we should go to your apartment. I do not think that your family will want to hear what I want to do to you.”

I growl deep in the back of my throat because this is not what I was expecting to come from his sexy mouth.
