Page 133 of Baby's First Howl

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“What?” Topher demands.

I use the fork to eat a slice of pizza. It’s delicious. It definitely tastes better homemade.

Seb shrugs. “Nothing. No scent.”

“But you were following a scent before,” I say, pursing my lips.

“Yes, little love, I was,” Kane says. “But when I went back, the scent was gone. All the way up until where we fought. I can smell him there, in his blood, but nowhere else. His scent has faded completely.”


“Impossible,” I say, cutting Ben off with a small shrug. That’s all they keep saying whenever something clearly not impossible happens. “So, yet again, we have no idea how he got onto your pack lands?”

Kane shakes his head. “I’ll not be leaving your side ever again, little love. I will stay with you and Phoebe for the rest of our lives.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“It’ll keep you safe.” He levels me with a firm look. “Now, eat your dinner.”

I burst into giggles, being careful not to jolt Phoebe as I duck my head.

“She’s laughing,” Ben points out.

“Why are you laughing?” Kane demands, inching forward. “Little mate, why are you laughing at me?”

“Because you’re funny.”

He frowns. “I did not make a joke.”

“I think our mate seems to think that you did,” Alex says with a smirk.

“What was the joke?” Kane asks. There’s a hurt expression on his face as he looks at each of his brothers. “Does she doubt my commitment to keeping her safe?”

Topher nods, a very serious expression on his face. I sober up immediately, not sure I like the look that’s shared between them.

“I don’t—” I start

“Oh, no I think she does,” Topher says. “I think she really doubts your commitment to keeping her safe, Kane.”

“That is not what was so funny,” I say, letting out a huff when three of the men laugh. “First of all—you don’t get to dictate when I eat and when I don’t. Secondly, you following me and Phoebe around for the rest of our lives is both impossible and stupid. And third—he already hurt you once, what happens next time and the time after when you’re focused on protecting us and not yourself?”

I sit forward. Phoebe whines as she unlatches and makes little grabby hands to try and get my nipple back in her mouth. I help her get settled and raise an eyebrow at Kane.

“Clearly something is going on, and he’s doing something to mask his scent. No matter how impossible you say it is, it’s happening. We’re unsafe if he can just waltz onto pack lands any time he likes.” I look at each of the men, only Ben refuses to meet my eyes. “So what are you going to do about it?”

“So what are you going to do about it?” Ben mutters, scrunching his face up as he speaks in a high-pitched tone.

“Our parents will be back this weekend,” Topher says. “I think we need to tell them what’s been going on.”

“Is that wise when your mum killed Ryan?”

“What about bringing the company in?” Alex asks, turning to look at Topher. “We’re new parents of a werewolf daughter and a custody battle is on the horizon. It’s a smart move and doesn’t disclose the true reason we’re worried. We can get two security teams—one for the pack, and one for the house.”

“Dad will never go for it,” Topher counters.

“You’re the alpha right now,” Ben replies. “Big Daddy has no control.”
