Page 13 of Touch In The Dark

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“I do. She is a good friend,” River stated as he held up his glass. “Here is to new beginnings.”

I held my glass up in a toast before taking a small sip of wine. I wasn’t much of a wine drinker, but I had to admit, the flavor was phenomenal.

As the night wore on, the soothing music and the comfort of each other’s company enveloped us. We took turns sharing stories of our childhoods, the memories that shaped us into who we were today. For me, it was my father who had inspired me to become an attorney, just like him, before he became a district court judge. But his life was cut tragically short during a deep-sea fishing trip gone wrong. The weather turned treacherous, and all four men onboard lost their lives. My heart still ached for my father, even though his body was never found in the endless depths of the ocean. But I found solace in knowing he died pursuing his passion.

River, on the other hand, seemed hesitant to talk about his own father. He mentioned only that they had a strained relationship and that his father’s recklessness ultimately led to his demise. I wanted to know more about what happened, but could sense River’s discomfort at discussing him. Instead of talking about him, he switched the conversation back to me.

“Somehow, I get the feeling we have met before,” he began. “Have you ever been to Atlanta?”

“I was only there once when I was very young. My father was asked to speak at a seminar at Georgia State University.” I answered, feeling like I knew River from somewhere else as well, even though I knew up until today we had never met.

As the waitress approached our table with the check, a sense of sadness washed over me. Our time together was coming to an end, and I didn’t want this evening to be over. My heart fluttered as I looked at River, realizing that I was undeniably attracted to him. I couldn’t read his expression, but wondered if he felt the same way about me. In the past week, there had only been two men who had evoked such intense emotions in me—“Harry” and now River. As we talked and laughed, all thoughts of “Harry” and his promise to find me faded away. Being with River felt like a blissful escape from reality, but I couldn’t help wondering if I was somehow betraying “Harry” by enjoying this moment with another man. But deep down, I knew that “Harry” might never be able to find me again, so I allowed myself to revel in the forbidden pleasure of being with River.



This evening wasn’t at all what I expected. Harper took me by surprise in more ways than one. Her infectious enthusiasm and genuine interest were a refreshing change from my past experiences with women who were constantly seeking validation. She opened up to me about her family and their close relationship, making me feel guilty for not being completely honest about my own. The only person I truly considered family was Axe, my half-brother, even though we had different mothers. So why hadn’t I mentioned him to Harper?

As the valet brought the car around, my mind drifted away from thoughts of Axe and onto the possibility of spending more time with Harper at my place. Not to necessarily seduce her, although that certainly wasn’t off the table, but to learn more about her.

After handing a generous tip to the valet, I assisted Harper into the car before taking my place behind the wheel. Before starting the car, I turned to her with a hopeful smile. “Would you like to continue our evening at my place?”

She hesitated for a moment before replying, “I think it would be best if we ended the night here before we both do something we might regret.”

“I promise to behave,” I assured her.

“That’s not the problem,” she admitted with a hint of uncertainty. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. I think it’s best if you take me home.”

“Then home it is,” I said reluctantly, feeling a sense of disappointment wash over me.

As I pulled away from Selena’s, a sense of defeat washed over me. None of the women I had been with had ever turned down an offer from me, but then again, Harper wasn’t like any other woman I had ever met.

Twenty minutes later, I pulled up to her apartment building; I felt a knot of nerves form in my stomach. The silence between us was like a heavy fog, thick and unsettling. Had my invitation to go back to my place been the wrong move?

Trying to break the tension, I turned toward her. “Can I walk you to your apartment?”

“That won’t be necessary,” she replied coolly as she unfastened her seatbelt. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”

Before she opened the door, I reached out and placed my hand on her cheek. A jolt of electricity shot through me, from my fingertips to my core. It was a sensation unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Unable to resist any longer, I leaned over the center console and pressed my lips to hers. As our kiss deepened, I felt a surge of relief when there was no resistance on her part. It only fueled my desire as I eagerly explored her mouth with mine.

I badly wanted to take this further, but Harper deserved more than making out in a car. She deserved to be worshipped properly. I slowly ended the kiss, placing my forehead against hers.

“When can I see you again?” I whispered in a heated breath.

“We can’t do this. Kissing me was a mistake.”

Before I could stop her, she opened the door and exited the car. Her words meant nothing to me. Little did she know, I always got what I wanted and at this very moment, all I wanted was her. Everything about our kiss told me she wanted me too. Damn rules!


When I arrived back at my place, all I could think about was Harper. I couldn’t pull myself away from her building. Even when I knew she was safely inside, I lingered in front for another twenty minutes. If I had her number, I would have called her and begged her to let me up.

The night was young, and my mind was restless. Grasping my suit coat from the back of the chair, I slung it over my shoulder and strode out the door. The elevator descended to the parking garage while my thoughts were consumed by images of Harper. Perhaps going to Jax wasn’t the wisest decision, but it was the only place that could satisfy my needs.

As I entered Jax, I made my way to the bar and ordered a drink. The entrance at the back of the club was discreet, appearing deceptively unassuming on the outside. It was designed to keep non-members out and didn’t reveal the opulent interior within. The first floor boasted a spacious bar and dual stages, with a small club located on the other side. Jax was an exclusive gentlemen’s club with a highly selective clientele. Money was the key to entry, and even then, one had to make it past the three-hundred-pound behemoth guarding the entrance.

“Hello, handsome,” cooed Ms. Brooks, the owner of Jax, as she placed her hand on my shoulder in a flirtatious manner.
