Page 14 of Touch In The Dark

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“Hello, Ms. Brooks,” I replied with a nod and a quick glance around.

“What will it be today? Perhaps Ginger or even Megan can entertain you,” she offered with a sly smile.

“I think I’ll just find a quiet spot to watch some of the beautiful ladies dance.”

“Enjoy the show. Amber will be up in ten.” With a final swipe of her hand across my shoulder, Ms. Brooks departed.

As I waited for Amber, I took in the sights and sounds of the club. The dimly lit room was filled with men, their eyes glazed over with lust as they retreated to the club area. It wasn’t my scene—the exhibition-style hedonism held no appeal to me. I preferred my privacy, observing from a distance.

But then Amber came on stage, and all eyes were on her. With stunning grace and effortless beauty, she moved through her routine, tantalizing and teasing the audience. Her confidence and skill were undeniable, and it was clear why men stuffed hundred-dollar bills into her lacy thong underwear. As I watched her dance, my interest in her grew. Jax wasn’t the place to find love, it was a place to relax, get turned on, and if one was lucky, fuck.

When she ended her show, a man stepped over to the edge of the stage and called her over. He took hold of her arm, forcing her to lower her body. She tried to pull away and I could see fear in her eyes; I wasn’t sure who this man was since his back was toward me. It was clear she didn’t want anything to do with him. If a woman wasn’t into a guy, there should be no problem, but this man wouldn’t let it go. His actions pissed me off. I rose from my seat, ready to intervene, when I got a glimpse of his face. Shit! What the hell is he doing here?

Despite the darkness of the club, I immediately recognized him. It was Drake—the same man who had rudely interrupted my meeting with Harper earlier that day. As much as I wanted to help Amber, I couldn’t risk being seen. I had a reputation to uphold.

If Drake saw me here, he would most certainly tell Harper. Not wanting to risk my relationship with Harper, I quickly turned on my stool and walked away from him in the opposite direction. My best option was to find Ms. Brooks and let her know what was happening. If I had any sense, I would have stayed home and taken care of my needs alone.


The bartender, a bearded man with khaki pants and a well-trimmed haircut, approached me with a friendly smile. I had never been to this establishment before, but it was the closest place I could find to Jax.

“What will it be?” he asked.

“Beer please,” I replied, scanning the unfamiliar establishment.

The bartender nodded and walked over to the other side of the bar, his well-trimmed haircut contrasting with his rugged appearance. A ZZ Top logo adorned his white t-shirt, which clashed with his otherwise put-together appearance.

After a brief moment, he returned with a beer in hand and passed it to me with a nod. The golden liquid shimmered under the dim lights, with an inch of foam on the top. Though I was more of a bourbon man, I accepted the offering as it was the only drink option at this bar.

As I took a sip, I couldn’t shake off the concern about whether or not Drake had seen me. I wasn’t sure about his relationship with Harper, but one thing was for certain—he was after her. Having dealt with clients who possessed similar passive-aggressive traits, I knew all too well how unpredictable and manipulative they could be.

As I looked around the dimly lit bar, my eyes landed on only a few other men scattered throughout the space. It was clear that this wasn’t a popular spot for patrons to enjoy a cold beer. However, the solitude of the place wasn’t what I was looking for. My gaze fell upon an old jukebox in the corner, and with a determined stride, I rose from my seat and fished out some crumpled bills from the front pocket of my pants. The selection of music was outdated, but I managed to find a couple of songs that could liven up this dreary atmosphere. As long as there was noise, I figured it would be enough to block out any unwanted thoughts racing through my mind.

When I returned to my seat at the bar, I noticed an attractive woman had taken up residence in the chair next to where I left my beer. It struck me as odd that she would be sitting here alone, especially at this late hour. I couldn’t help but glance around the bar, searching for any signs of a companion. But it was clear that she had come alone. Settling back onto my stool, I took a long sip of my beer and turned to face her.

“Can I buy you a drink?” I asked, feeling it was only appropriate to offer.

“I’m fine, thank you,” she replied with a warm smile. “Gus will be back soon with my glass of wine.”

Wine? I thought only beer was served at this low-key pub. Smiling back at her, I leaned closer. “So, you know the bartender?”

She nodded, her smile growing wider. “Yeah, he’s actually my uncle.”

It all made sense now. No wonder this beautiful woman had ended up at this quiet bar alone. Despite wanting to get to know her more, I didn’t want to intrude on her privacy. And as I took a closer look at her, I realized that she was much younger than me.

With the night shot to hell, I downed the rest of my beer and headed back to my apartment to spend the rest of an unfulfilled night alone. As I pushed away from the bar, I placed a twenty on the granite surface next to my empty glass.

Turning toward the young lady, I smiled. “Have a great evening.”

“You too,” she replied, sending me a warm smile.


I entered my silent apartment, the weight of disappointment heavy on my shoulders. It wasn’t the fault of the women I had met tonight, but the thought of Harper and our one and only kiss lingered in my mind. I wished I had taken things further with her, but I couldn’t risk ruining any potential for a deeper connection. So once again, I was left to entertain myself.

I made my way to the bedroom with a double shot of Jameson on ice. With each sip, the buzz from all the drinks I had consumed earlier grew stronger. As soon as I reached my room, I downed the rest of the alcohol and stripped out of my clothes and planted myself on the bed. A healthy amount of spit slicked my hand as I grasped my throbbing cock and began moving it up and down. It was a poor substitute for being inside a woman, but it was better than nothing.

Closing my eyes, I let out a low moan and imagined Harper’s soft lips surrounding me. In my mind, her sensual voice filled the room as she teased and pleased me with expert skill. It felt good, but bittersweet at the same time because it was all just fantasy and not reality. Increasing my rhythm, I could feel the tell-tale signs of an impending orgasm building in my body. Pausing for a moment to let it intensify even more, I gave my cock one last thrust before succumbing to the release. As I lay there spent and satisfied, all I could think about was how badly I needed to get to know Harper better.
