Page 12 of Touch In The Dark

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Tucking the Triage file in my tote bag, I powered off my computer. After everything I needed was tucked neatly inside my bag, I turned off the lights and once again took the long way to the elevator, praying that I wouldn’t run into Drake.


As I arrived at my apartment, the urgency of time weighed heavily on my mind. The bus ride home had taken an extra ten minutes today, leaving me with barely enough time to prepare for my dinner with Sidney and River. Without a moment to waste, I tossed my bag onto the couch and kicked off my shoes. Quickly, I stripped off my work clothes as I made a beeline for my bedroom. Like every other day, my bed was already strewn with clothing, so adding my discarded work garments to the mix hardly made a difference in the chaotic mess. I raced to change into something suitable for the evening ahead. Despite the chaos, I was feeling excited about what was to come.

As I counted down the final minutes of solitude in my bedroom, a sharp knock echoed through the walls. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and saw my unruly hair standing on end. With a sigh, I ran a brush through it, attempting to tame the wild curls that framed my face. Giving up on perfection, I let my hair fall naturally down my back. Before heading to answer the door, I quickly swiped on some of my favorite lipstick, smearing my lips together for even coverage. The bold red shade added a touch of confidence to my otherwise disheveled appearance.

Smacking my lips together one last time, I took a deep breath before turning the handle. As I pulled the door open, a man wearing a dark suit appeared on the other side. It could only be the driver of the car River had sent for me.

“Ms. Scott. I am here to take you to Selena’s,” he stated cordially.

“Let me grab my purse.”

With a polite nod, he awaited my return in the hallway while I retrieved my purse. My heart was racing with anticipation for the evening ahead, and I knew I had to make a good impression. As I stepped out into the hallway, I followed the driver’s lead and made my way to the elevator. Silently, he held the door open for me to enter first.

As we reached the lobby, he held open the door of my building and gestured for me to exit first. The cool evening air brushed against my skin as I stepped out onto the pavement. Waiting directly in front of me was a sleek black sedan, its shiny surface reflecting the lights of the city. With practiced grace, the driver walked around to the back passenger door and pulled it open for me to enter.

As the driver rolled through the bustling streets, I used the time to marvel at the glittering city lights of Chicago. The towering buildings seemed to reach up and touch the inky sky, their windows like a million stars shining down on the city below. It was like something out of a fairytale, where the fairy godmother had sprinkled stardust over the land. My heart fluttered with excitement as I thought about the night ahead, feeling like Cinderella being whisked off to meet her Prince Charming. But instead of a palace ball, it was just a simple dinner with a very handsome River Stevenson. Of course, I knew company policy forbade me from accepting without including Sidney, but a small part of me wondered what would have happened if I had broken the rules and gone alone. Would it have been a night straight out of a fairytale, or would it have led to nothing but trouble? Would it have been worth it?

It wasn’t long until the driver pulled up in front of the prestigious restaurant. Before I could step out of the car, he had opened the driver’s door and walked to the back passenger door to assist me. As I placed my black stiletto heel on the cobblestone lined entrance, the restaurant valet was at my side, offering a helping hand.

“Ms. Scott,” he greeted me with a smile.

“Yes. I am she.”

“Mr. Stevenson has already arrived and is waiting inside.”

The valet only addressed River and not Sidney, which made me wonder if Sidney hadn’t arrived yet. “Do you know if Sidney Black has arrived yet?”

“I’m not aware of his arrival, but I’ve only just started my shift,” the valet admitted.

I was certain Sidney would have taken his own car and, as punctual as he was, he would have arrived early. The thought briefly crossed my mind before I brushed it aside and made my way toward the entrance. As I swung the door open, I was immediately greeted with the gentle strains of a grand piano. The music seemed to fill the entire restaurant, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. A young woman, dressed in a crisp white blouse and black skirt, stood behind the host stand and smiled at me.

“Hello. Can I help you?” she asked politely.

“Yes. I believe River Stevenson has already arrived. I am his dinner guest,” I replied confidently.

As the hostess escorted me through the elegant restaurant, my eyes took in every detail of its opulence. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow over the dark wood furniture and plush velvet booths. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making my mouth water. It was truly breathtaking, and I couldn’t believe that I was about to dine here—a place far beyond what I could ever afford.

When we reached River’s table, he immediately stood. My gaze fell to the empty seats that surrounded the table. The table had been set for only two people. It was a clear indication that it would be only us having dinner. River rounded the table and pulled out the chair across from where he sat.

“Where is Sidney?” I asked, concerned that something might have happened to him.

“Unfortunately, he called at the last minute, needing to cancel. Something came up,” River replied.

“I hope nothing happened.”

“I’m sure it is nothing serious,” River smiled as he pushed my chair closer to the table.

We sat across from each other for a moment without saying a word. I was just about to ask him how he got started with Triage when a tall, thin waiter approached our table.

“May I interest you in a bottle of wine? It is compliments of the owner,” he said, displaying a bottle of red wine.

“Yes,” River replied, as the waiter poured us a glass of wine, placing the half-full bottle on the table. “Please thank Selena for me.”

Nodding, the waiter left our table, letting us know the waitress would soon be by to take our dinner order.

“You know the owner?” I asked, wondering what other surprises I would find out tonight.
