Page 153 of Rock

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“He’s gone, Rock.”

“I know.”

“Gotta go.” He hangs up.

I don’t even get a chance to turn when Aspyn’s arms are folding around my middle.

“Is everything okay, Rock?” she whispers.

I turn in her arms. I know I need to go shower and wash this damn blood off myself.

“Beth was arrested,” I tell her.

Her eyes go wide. “What?”

“One of the emails that was sent to you came from an IP address in her office, babe. Either she or someone who works there could be behind this.” I know I checked their backgrounds, but now isn’t the time to worry about that.

Aspyn frowns. “That can’t be.”

I soothe her back with my palm. “Let’s go to bed. I’m beat.”

She nods. “I’ll say goodnight to Tara. She’s pretty shaken up.”

I lift her chin to meet my gaze. “I get that it was frightening for her tonight, but that doesn’t excuse her rudeness toward you, or watchin’ us.”

“Yeah.” She shifts on her feet. “That was a little weird. I think she just freaked out.”

Still. I don’t like it.

There’s being protective of your friend and then being plain creepy. It may make things strained between Aspyn and me, and I don’t want that. But still, she has to learn her place.

I peck her on the lips. “Come join me when you’re done.”

She sees the promise in my eyes and a small smile plays on her lips.

I need to tell her what happened to me. Only then may the demons be gone inside me forever. If she really does love me, when she hears the horrible truth, maybe she’ll walk away. Or maybe she’ll stay for good.



A few hours earlier….

Forger looks different in person than his photograph.

The fact he’s even here has me on edge, wondering if this is a trap, but Big Papa prattles on as Forger gives us the once-over.

Aside from me, Jett, and Priest, there are three of Big Papa’s men, and we’re all packing. You don’t bring knives to a gunfight, and the adrenaline races through my body that the man that has caused the club so much trouble is actually here. We have him. Even if he is surrounded by several protectors, plus security on the door.

If any of us are surprised that he’s here, we hide it well.

“Didn’t expect so many of your well-wishers.” Forger nods, eyeing us over.

I’m glad Cash made the decision to send us in now. Forger is none the wiser that we’re not just goons hired to protect Big Papa. The one card we hold up our sleeves is Forger is never around, and neither are his men, so he really has no fuckin’ clue who anyone is. Except Cash, of course, and Harlem and Tag. They kinda stick out.

“Ah, you know me, I never travel light,” Big Papa says, his hearty laugh echoing through the small room.

They shake hands.
