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She’d always felt as if Kurt was watching over her, even when he was deployed. The connection they had was strong, even from the beginning. It was then she realized that there was a part of her that had resisted truly letting go and moving on. Having an agreement with Alexander was different than giving him her whole self. It would mean that she no longer belonged to Kurt. She would truly and completely be letting him go. Saying goodbye.

The collar felt heavier than she remembered as she lifted it to her lips. The cool metal against her skin brought with it memories of when Kurt had placed it around her neck. Even then he’d known what she needed. He’d been a wonderful Master. Not perfect, but he always made sure her needs were taken care of.

Tears streaked down her cheeks as she returned the collar she’d worn for almost ten years back to the box and closed the lid. It was time for her to truly and with her whole heart obey her Master’s last command and move on.


Since Alexander had left Grace’s house on Thursday evening he’d been worried about her. He was glad she called him Friday night, if only to let him know she was okay. The more they’d gotten to know each other, both in and out of the bedroom, the more intense his feelings for her became.

On his way to pick her up Saturday evening, he stopped to buy her some flowers. Their relationship might not be conventional, but he was treating tonight as a date. This wasn’t about their arrangement. This was about them. As a couple. A couple that hopefully had a future together.

It seemed Grace felt the same way about their upcoming evening. She answered the door wearing a fitted red dress that came down to her knees. It was more conservative than what she would wear to the club, but it still made his mouth water. There were strips of lace that gave hints of the skin underneath, skin he wanted to touch and kiss and lick...

He had to focus. They needed to talk. Fucking her senseless wouldn’t solve anything in the long term and that’s what he wanted. Forever. With her.

Alexander held the flowers in front of him, presenting them to Grace. “You look lovely tonight.”

“Thank you.” Grace blushed and took the bouquet from him. She brought the flowers up to her face and inhaled. “They’re beautiful.”

She took a few steps back, allowing him to come in. “I should put these in some water.”

“I’ll wait.”

Grace nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. As she walked away, his gaze was transfixed on her ass. He could have followed her, but he didn’t want to test his self-control. Last night had proven that even though Grace’s mind was confused, her body didn’t seem to have the same issue. He didn’t want to tempt fate.

By the time she returned, he’d regained control of his libido—or as much control as he was able to manage in her presence. He helped her into her coat and they made their way to his car.

Instead of going to one of their usual places, he decided to head farther out of town. After a little research, he’d found a restaurant about an hour west of the city that overlooked a small stream. The pictures online had made it look cozy and romantic.

“Was the café as busy today as yesterday?”

“No.” Grace turned to face him, resting her head on the back of the seat. She seemed more relaxed than she had when he’d left her Thursday night. Or maybe she was just tired. “Things started a bit slower and we had a short break between breakfast and lunch. Beth was still happy, though. She’s pretty sure this week will be her best since opening the café.”

“That’s great.”

“It is.”

He turned off the highway and continued down a two-lane road that would lead them to their destination. They still had quite a way to go and he wanted to keep the conversation light. “Have you ever been out this way?”

“I think so, but it’s been years. Dad used to like to go for long drives in the country sometimes. We’d get in the car and head out with no destination in mind. We found some really cool places. A lot of small towns and parks that we had no idea existed.”

“You don’t talk much about your dad,” Alexander said, leaving it open for her to say as little or as much as she wanted on the subject.

“He died about five years ago. Parkinson’s. Kurt was stationed in Texas at the time, so Gabby and Mom had their hands full. One day Gabby called to tell me that I should come home if I could, that they didn’t expect Dad to make it more than another month or two.”

“I’m sorry.” Alexander hadn’t meant to go down such a sad path. He’d figured she’d maybe share childhood stories of her dad, not reminisce about his death.

It was almost as if he hadn’t said a word. “When I got there, I realized my dad was already gone. His body was still there, but his mind wasn’t. He didn’t recognize me. He didn’t recognize anyone... not even my mom. We were all strangers to him.”

Alexander knew what Parkinson’s disease could do, both to the person and to their family. Hearing about it from Grace’s perspective, however, was a lot different than reading about it in a textbook or seeing it in a clinical setting. This wasn’t some random person he had no connection with. This was Grace’s father.

Purely on instinct, he covered her hand with his.

She laced their fingers together and squeezed. “Kurt and I had gone to see him the year before. We’d talked about going to Hawaii, but changed our minds. I’m glad we did. Dad was still in his right mind then.”

Alexander remained quiet, holding her hand and letting her talk. Grace had stayed in Missouri with her mother and sister for the last month and a half of her father’s life. She’d helped her mom with the funeral arrangements and helped her get all the legal stuff in order before she’d returned to Texas.

“Was Kurt able to get leave to come to the funeral?” Alexander asked. He really hoped she hadn’t had to deal with that alone.

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