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“Yes. It was lucky he was stateside at the time. It wasn’t a month after we returned that he was shipped out.”

They talked a bit more about her family throughout the remainder of the drive. It wasn’t the lightest of conversations, but since it appeared to be the direction Grace wanted to go, he went with it.

“Oh wow,” she said when they pulled up in front of the restaurant. There were white lights everywhere—along the roofline, draped over bushes, woven through the trees. They were clearly going for a winter wonderland theme. All it lacked was the snow.

He rounded the vehicle and opened her door, offering her his hand. “Ready?”

Grace placed her palm in his and exited the car, a look of awe on her face. “This is amazing.”

“Wait until you see the inside.”

As promised, the inside of the restaurant was as spectacular as the outside. Alexander gave the host his name and they were led past the large fireplace in the center over to a bank of windows. The host held out Grace’s chair for her while she sat down. “Thank you.”

He handed them both a menu. “Your server will be right with you. Enjoy your dinner.”

Alexander knew the moment Grace looked outside. The lights lit up a scene that looked to be out of a painting. “How did you find this place?”

“You can find just about anything on the internet these days.”

She seemed a bit flabbergasted, which made him smile. It was the exact reaction he’d been hoping for.

“Good evening. My name is John. I’ll be taking care of you this evening. Can I get you started with some wine?”

Alexander ordered them each a glass of wine and an appetizer while Grace continued to gaze out the window. He let her drink in the scenery while he scanned over the menu, every now and then glancing her way.

John returned with their wine. “Do you still need a few more minutes?”

That seemed to jar Grace out of her fixation. “Oh.” She turned her attention to her menu and began scanning over the items.

Alexander chuckled. “Yes, please.”

Nodding, their server left them alone again.

Then Grace surprised him. She looked up, meeting his gaze, and placed her menu facedown on the table. “Will you order for me, Sir?”

He was trying not to read too much into her request. “If that’s what you want.”

“It is.” Her voice was full of conviction.

When their server returned with their appetizer, Alexander ordered for both of them, making sure to get something he knew she’d like. “I’ll get this put in for you right away. Is there anything else you need at the moment?”

“No. I think we’re fine. Thank you,” Alexander said.

John nodded. “Enjoy your appetizer.”

Alone once more, Alexander speared one of the stuffed mushrooms and held it up for her. “Mushroom?”

She giggled, leaned forward, and opened her mouth. Her lips closed around the food and he felt a reaction below his waist. Grace was flirting with him. That had to be a good sign.

He ate one of the mushrooms himself, and then stabbed another one and offered it to her. “I want to talk about Thursday.”

There was a slight hesitation as she took the mushroom. Grace finished chewing and swallowing before she responded. “I know.” She glanced down at her empty plate, and then back at him. “I’m sorry I freaked out. I just... I needed time to think about some things... to come to terms with how I feel.”

Alexander swallowed and it felt as if he had a lump stuck in his throat.

“When Kurt died, I didn’t imagine I’d find anyone else that would make me feel the way he did. I thought I’d be alone for the rest of my life and I was okay with that. Or, I’d accepted it, at least. Then, you showed up with his letter. I didn’t know what to think, but I trusted Kurt. He knew me better than anyone.”

The noise around them faded into the background as he waited for whatever would come next.

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