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“It’s a chest,” she said. “It’s in the closet. It’s locked.”

When she didn’t move, he raised an eyebrow.

“Oh. Yes. Sorry.” Feeling a bit silly she hadn’t realized he was asking her to get the toys out in the first place, she rushed to her nightstand to get the key.

She and Kurt had picked up the chest years ago at a town market. At the time it had been overkill for what they had, which wasn’t much outside a small crop, a flogger, and a few vibrators. Grace pulled the chest from the closet, unlocked it, and lifted the lid. Their toy collection had grown over the years.

With a little extra care than what was normal for someone of Alexander’s age, he knelt down in front of the chest.

“I can get you a chair, Sir.”

He looked up, meeting her gaze. “Thank you, but I’m fine. Is everything in here clean?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Without saying anything more, he went back to inspecting her toys.

They stood there for several minutes as he looked things over. Every now and then he’d pick something up to move it, but for the most part he seemed to be taking an inventory of what she had. With each passing second she grew less sure of herself.

Without selecting any of the toys, Alexander stood. He looked her up and down before staring her in the eye. “There is no shame if you need to use your safeword tonight.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He held her gaze for a moment longer before speaking. “Remove your shirt and pants.”

Grace swallowed and reached for the hem of her shirt. She could do this.

Cool air hit her skin as she lifted the shirt over her head. It wasn’t that cold in the room, so she imagined it was the situation itself that had her so sensitive.

She reached for the button of her jeans, pushing it through the material, and then lowered the zipper. Grace had stripped many times for her husband, but this was different. Alexander had never seen her naked. What if he didn’t like what he saw?

Her nerves started to get the best of her and she froze.

“Is there a problem?”

Grace shook her head. No, there wasn’t a problem. Only her own insecurities. “No, Sir.”

Before she could overthink it anymore, she wiggled the jeans lower, letting them drop to the floor. She bent down to pick them up, but Alexander’s voice stopped her. “Leave them.”

She felt incredibly exposed standing there in nothing but her bra and panties, but she knew from experience that this was only the beginning. It was what she’d asked for and on some level needed. Already, despite her nerves, she felt her body responding.

Alexander took a step forward, closing the distance between them. She could feel the heat from his body even though he wasn’t touching her. It felt as if he were six inches taller all of a sudden.

He moved to stand behind her, still close. The hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention, anticipating. He leaned in, his breath ghosting over her ear. “You’re a beautiful woman, Grace.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She wasn’t sure what to think about the way the muscles in her belly clenched at the sound, the feel of his voice vibrating against her skin. It had been so long since she’d felt anything like this.

“Remove your bra, Grace.” The command was spoken as softly as his compliment regarding her body, but she knew it was a command nonetheless.

With shaky hands, she reached behind her back and unclipped her bra. The straps slid down her shoulders and she let them fall, pulling the cups away and exposing her flesh. She knew without looking that her nipples were hard.

She heard him hum behind her and knew he’d seen the state of her nipples. The sound sent another wave of anticipation through her.

“Cup your tits with your hands.”

What? Why wasn’t he—

“I won’t ask again. Do it, or use your safeword.”

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