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Using her safeword hadn’t even crossed her mind. It was only not understanding the reasons behind what he was asking that had her hesitating. But it wasn’t her job to understand. She trusted Alexander and she knew he’d take care of her.

Grace cupped her breasts, holding their weight in her hands. It wasn’t as if she’d never touched herself before. She had. A lot, actually.

As if he could read her mind, Alexander’s breath brushed her ear again. “Take your thumb and forefinger and pinch your nipples.”

This time she didn’t think about it. She just did what he asked.

“You know I’d do it harder than that, Grace.”

She pinched harder and felt a zing race down her spine.


A gasp left her lips and warmth rushed between her legs.

“That’s better.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “Do you pinch your nipples like this when you masturbate?”

“Sometimes.” Questions like this shouldn’t bother her. Especially since she fully expected Alexander to not only pinch her nipples himself at some point but have sex with her as well.

“Does that embarrass you?” he asked, still not touching her. Was that his plan? To tease her all night?

“Yes.” She paused. “A little.”

“Then you might turn as red as a beet before we’re finished.”

The shock of his statement caused her to lose concentration and release her hold on her nipples for a second.

He chuckled. “Oh, gattina, I’m going to have so much fun with your shy nature.”

She didn’t respond. What was she supposed to say to that? Besides, it hadn’t been a question.

Her nipples were growing more sensitive the longer she stood there pinching them. The feel of him standing behind her, towering over her, watching was also making it very hard to concentrate on anything outside the two of them. She wanted him to touch her, but didn’t know if she should ask him to.

“What are you thinking, gattina?”

Grace didn’t want to lie and knew she shouldn’t. “I was thinking how much I want you to touch me, Sir.”

“We have plenty of time for that.” He moved a strand of her hair out of the way so he could see better. “Take your right hand and slide it inside the front of your panties. I want you to touch yourself.”

Her nipple throbbed when she released it, sending pulses down to her sex. Of course, part of that could have been anticipation as well. It had been almost two years since she’d masturbated in front of a man. She was equal parts nervous and excited. And completely turned on.

The feel of her damp flesh hit her fingers, showcasing how aroused she truly was. Grace was never able to get this wet when she was by herself. Even though Alexander hadn’t touched her, he was there, and every cell in her body knew it.

“Are you wet, Grace?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Is your clit swollen?” Every word he said sent tingles down her spine and seemed to have a direct line to her sex.

Without thinking about it, Grace ran her middle finger over her clit and gasped. “Yes.”

“That’s good.” She heard the smile in his voice again. “Now take your panties off and go lie on the bed.”


Alexander would have given about anything to read Grace’s mind when he’d ordered her to remove her panties and get onto the bed. The look on her face had been enough to let him know he’d caught her completely off guard, which was what he wanted. If she didn’t have time to think too much about things, she wouldn’t have the chance to second-guess herself. He knew what this meant to her and that it needed to go well.

Throughout dinner, he’d been contemplating their scene. While he’d put a scene together on the fly before, it had never been with a sub such as Grace. She wasn’t new to the lifestyle, which had its advantages. He wasn’t worried about her not saying her safeword should she need to use it. There also wasn’t the issue with her not knowing her hard and soft limits.

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