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Chapter 10

Grace concentrated on her food and attempted to ignore the way her body reacted to his words. Her lower half pulsed with anticipation. It had no issue jumping headfirst into this arrangement with Alexander.

And that’s what it was: an arrangement. He was agreeing to be her Dom, not her boyfriend. It wouldn’t be the same type of relationship she’d had with Kurt. She knew that. Which was why there was a little voice in the back of her brain asking if she was really sure she wanted to do this. That voice, however, wasn’t very loud and it was easily overtaken by her need to open up and let go of everything she’d been dealing with for the last nine months.

Her thoughts drifted back to the night before when she’d been draped across his lap, feeling his hand make contact with her backside. The sting had been gone when she’d woken up that morning and she’d missed it. Grace wondered how long she’d have to wait before he would do it again. Or she could ask. Maybe...

“How’s your dinner?”

She looked up to find him staring at her. “It’s good.” As if to prove her point, she took a bite and grinned.

He waited for several seconds. “Grace, if something’s bothering you, you need to tell me.”

“No. It’s... I was thinking about last night.” She felt the blush start to rise on her cheeks. “On the couch.”

“Ah.” Alexander chuckled. “Yes. I can see why that would have you distracted.”

His response in no way helped with her blush. She tucked her head down and dug back into her food.

Of course, he wouldn’t change the subject to something more mundane like the weather. She should have known better. He was a Dom after all. “I’d like to take you to the club with me this weekend.”

She swallowed and met his gaze. Wasn’t it too soon for that? “You do?”

He nodded. “I think it will be an excellent way for me to gauge where we should begin. Plus, I think it will be good for you to be around other subs.”

That made sense. She and Kurt had known each other for over a year before they’d started playing and they’d done a lot of experimenting at first to see what they both liked. This was a different situation entirely. “I guess that’s probably a good idea. I need to apologize to Justin anyway.”

“Yes, you do.” He took another bite. “Running away isn’t the answer. What’s going to happen the next time you see someone at the club you know?”

Grace had a hard time swallowing down the food she’d been chewing. She hadn’t thought about that. “I don’t know.”

“You should know that as your Dom, I won’t let you run away again. Being a sub isn’t something you should ever be ashamed of.”

“I know.” She laid her fork down on her plate. “I just don’t know how to react. Kurt and I mainly played in our house, and the few times we did go to clubs, we didn’t know anyone else there.”

Alexander seemed to take that in but didn’t comment. At least not right away. He waited until their server cleared their plates and brought dessert. “Did you have any questions for me?”

She thought about all the things she could ask him. “How long have you been in the lifestyle?”

He appeared pleased. “I started experimenting in med school.”

A part of her didn’t want to ask the next question for some reason. The answer didn’t really matter, but something compelled her to ask it anyway. “How many subs have you had?”

“How many have I played with or how many have I had a relationship or agreement with?” he asked.

“Um... both?” She knew how unsure she sounded.

He picked up a piece of baklava before answering. “I’ve played with twelve women over the years, only two of whom I’ve had any sort of formal arrangement with.”

That wasn’t so many. Not if he’d been in the lifestyle for ten years and was single. Of course, he’d also been in the military, which meant deployments.

Her silence must have been a lot louder than she thought. “Does that seem like a lot?”

Grace shook her head. “No, I suppose not.”

He moved on. “I want to talk to you a little about my expectations.”

“Okay.” All of a sudden the baklava tasted very dry in her throat as she tried to swallow.

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