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“I don’t know how things worked with Kurt, but when we’re playing I expect you to obey me. You’ll have your safeword, but unless you choose to use it, I expect compliance.”

She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good.” He retrieved the papers she’d given him at the start of their meal, looked them over again, and then met her gaze across the table. “Now, we have just a few more details to go over.”

They stayed at the restaurant for almost another hour going over specifics on her list. Nothing too graphic. They kept their language vague in case someone was listening, but still there were times she wanted a hole to open up beneath her and suck her in.

As he drove her home, Grace tried not to read too much into Alexander’s insistence that they continue their dinner dates during the week. They wouldn’t be playing then. He’d said he wanted them to have some downtime where the rules didn’t apply.

He’d also asked her about sex, which had been the most embarrassing topic of conversation to have in the middle of a restaurant. They were alone and most of the other customers had cleared out. Neither of those facts mattered as she turned beet red.

She’d known the subject would come up given what she’d marked on her list, but she hadn’t expected him to bring it up then. Mortified, she’d told him that she wasn’t sure. That her body was more than ready, but she didn’t know if she was actually ready to have sex with someone who wasn’t her husband.

To her relief, Alexander understood. He assured her that they would take things slow in that regard and figure it out along the way. It was the perfect response, and yet it wasn’t. She should have been grateful he wouldn’t push her into jumping into bed with him, but she couldn’t deny that she was a little disappointed.

He parked in front of her house and walked her to her front door.

“Did you want to come in?” she asked. He’d come in sometimes after their dinners, and to be honest, she wasn’t sure she wanted to say good night to him yet even though it was already after nine.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

She was a little confused until she saw the look in his eyes. Their conversation earlier had had an effect on him, too.

Before she could think of anything to say, he reached up to brush the back of his fingers against her cheek. “It’s not that I don’t want to, Grace.”

The air around them felt heavy and she felt herself leaning into his touch.

He placed his hand under her chin and tilted it up until she was looking at him. “I’ll email you a list of rules and requirements tomorrow.”

That had been the last thing she’d thought he’d say.

Alexander released his hold on her and dropped his hand down to his side. “How about I take you to dinner Thursday evening and you can let me know if you’d like to make any changes before Friday?”

Friday. The club. She’d almost forgotten.

“Grace?” He had one eyebrow raised and was waiting on an answer.

“Sounds good,” she managed to choke out.

“We’ll go as slow as you need. I promise.”

A sort of peace came over her. She released a deep breath and smiled. “I know. I trust you.”

He held her gaze for a long moment and she saw something in them change. She knew that look. It made her insides flutter. “Go inside, Grace.”

She took out her keys and opened the door, sending one last look at Alexander. “Good night.”

“Good night.”


As promised, Alexander emailed an outline of their arrangement along with his limits list to Grace first thing Tuesday morning. He knew she was at work, so she most likely wouldn’t get a chance to look it over until later that night, but that didn’t help the bit of anxiety he felt. She’d never played with anyone but her husband, whom she’d known for a decade. It was going to be different for her, an adjustment. He could only hope she would embrace it.

Her assertion the night before that she trusted him had almost sent common sense out the window. He wanted to take her up on her offer to come inside, but he knew that wasn’t wise. They needed to do this right. He wanted to do it right for her. And even she had admitted she didn’t know if she was ready for sex yet.

Scrubbing a hand over his face, Alexander ignored the growing discomfort in his groin. He’d taken care of things when he’d gotten home the night before, but it didn’t feel like it. Thinking about Grace and all the things he wanted to do to her, with her, was enough to have his libido soaring out of control. He really did need to get laid. The only problem with that was the only woman he had any interest in taking to his bed was Grace.

He had a meeting over lunch that ran well into the afternoon. Over his ten-year military career he’d had a few commanders that liked to chatter on instead of getting to the point, but the man who was currently standing at the far end of the conference room took the cake. He’d been rambling on about medical billing procedures for almost forty minutes. It might not have been so bad had he been sharing some sort of new way of doing things, but he wasn’t and Alexander wasn’t the only one in the room who looked as if he were about to fall asleep.

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