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Alexander understood. Grace wasn’t the type to jump into playing with someone she didn’t know, and if she wasn’t playing then there was no reason to update her limits list. “Are you having any second thoughts?”

She responded quicker than he thought she would. “No.”

Someone walked in front of his vehicle, but he barely noticed. He was entirely focused on his conversation with Grace. “I’d like to take you out to dinner tonight.”

“All right.” She paused. “Should I bring my list?”

“I think that would be a good idea.”

They made arrangements for him to pick her up in an hour before hanging up. He needed to get home, shower, change, and figure out where they would go. While he wanted to keep things casual, he also wanted them to have at least some privacy. That would be difficult if they were seated in the middle of a busy restaurant. Plus, he wanted the night to feel important because it was. This was a big step for Grace, and Alexander understood that.

She was ready and waiting for him when he arrived. Her blond hair was loose and it made him wonder what it would feel like to run his fingers through it. He resisted the urge. It wasn’t his right. Yet.

“I like your hair down like that,” he said as he opened the passenger-side door for her to get into the car.

Grace lowered her gaze, but she didn’t comment. He was pretty sure he saw the telltale signs of a blush creeping up her neck.

As they drove to the restaurant, she sat with her purse in her lap and her hands folded on top. She looked at the road ahead, her shoulders back. It was very proper and very non-Grace-like.

“There’s no need to be nervous.”

He saw her glance over at him out of the corner of his eye. “I know. It’s... been a long time since I’ve done this.”

“Had dinner?”

Her soft giggle was exactly the reaction he’d hoped for.

Reaching for her hand, he gave it a gentle squeeze. “It’s just dinner, Grace. The same thing we’ve done twice a week for the last month. The rest? We’ll figure it out. There’s no pressure.”

Out of the corner of his eye he saw her nod. She didn’t say anything more and he didn’t push.

They pulled into the restaurant parking lot and he went to open the door for her. She took his arm as she had many times before and they headed inside.

The place was small. There were maybe ten tables in the whole place, which in Alexander’s opinion was perfect. That, coupled with the fact that it was a Monday night, meant there were only a few other customers.

Once they were seated at a booth in the back corner and the server had taken their order, Alexander figured maybe it was time to get down to business. She wasn’t going to relax until things were out in the open. “Did you bring your list?”

Grace nodded and reached into her purse. She held it out to him.

There were several pages. He recognized it as the template Katrina had on the Serpent’s Kiss website. One of the nice things about it was that it was detailed. There were even obscure kinks listed, some of which he hoped to never witness. He understood and supported the my kink is not your kink assertion, but as a doctor there were some things he couldn’t get behind.

Alexander scanned what Grace had marked and was pleased to see that most of their kinks lined up. There were a few exceptions, there always were, but nothing they couldn’t work with. What did give him a little pause was that she had marked oral, vaginal, and anal sex as ‘love.’ Not that he’d expected her to hate it, but he figured there’d be a note or that they would be listed as soft limits. Did that mean she was ready to jump into a sexual relationship?

He turned the papers over and placed them on the table off to the side. Their server had brought their drinks and their appetizer while he’d been reading over her list. It didn’t escape his notice that Grace had yet to touch any of it. “Help yourself.”

With a little reluctance, she picked up some bread, tore off a piece, and dipped it into the hummus. He followed suit, watching as she placed the pita into her mouth and swallowed. After reading her limits list, he couldn’t help that his mind went in the direction it did. He grabbed his water and downed half of it.

She picked at her napkin a few times. “Was there something wrong with my list?”

“Not at all. Why would you think that?”

Grace shrugged. “You look uncomfortable.”

He couldn’t help but snort. She wasn’t far off, but not for the reasons she was thinking. He leaned in and lowered his voice. “I just read a breakdown of all the things you’d like me to do to you.” Alexander stopped to let that sink in. “Let’s hope I don’t have to get up from the table anytime soon.”

Her eyes widened with shock, and then with what he thought might be interest. He held her gaze until their server came with their food. The spell was broken, but that was okay. Interest he could work with. He was determined to make sure Grace didn’t regret asking him to be her Dom.


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