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“Thank you. For earlier, I mean.”

Alexander traced the line of her jaw back and forth several times. “I imagine I enjoyed it as much as you did.”

His comment brought a different kind of embarrassment flooding through her.

This only seemed to amuse him. “I already checked to make sure the back door was locked and everything is turned off. All you have to do is lock up behind me. Then I want you to head to bed and get some rest. I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll set up a time when we can go over everything.”

She knew by everything that he meant their lists and what kind of arrangement they would have. It was something she hadn’t given much thought to. It hadn’t seemed real. Until then.

He held her gaze for a moment longer before dropping his hand and backing toward the door.

Grace locked the door behind him and watched through the window as he climbed into his vehicle and drove away. Once she could no longer see the lights of his car, she slowly headed back upstairs. Like a good little sub, she made a pit stop in the bathroom, and then slid into bed.

Her ass still tingled a little from the spanking she’d received. If she closed her eyes she could almost feel the impression of his hand lingering. It was comforting.

She released a contented sigh, turned on her side, and wrapped her arms around her pillow. There was a lot she needed to think about, but it was going to have to wait until tomorrow. Sleep was slowly pulling her under and she didn’t want to fight it.


On Monday morning Alexander woke up with Grace at the forefront of his mind. Granted, this wasn’t the first time she’d dominated his thoughts. He often found himself remembering something she’d said or done when he’d least expect it. This morning, however, his mind was more focused. He’d agreed to be her Dom without knowing anything about her limits or what she wanted from him. It wasn’t the smartest decision of his life, but he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. This was Grace. He’d be what she needed him to be.

Yeah, he knew that made him a sucker or a sap or whatever, but at least he was man enough to admit it. If only to himself. She was special and he planned on doing everything he could to help her realize it.

His workday dragged. It wasn’t that he hated his job exactly, but he’d be lying if he said he loved sitting behind a desk all day looking over various malpractice complaints. On the plus side, he was learning what not to do with his future patients. Most of the things that crossed his desk were simple cases of lack of communication. Many doctors, it seemed, took for granted how much their patients knew and understood. He’d read over the patient’s issue, and then the doctor’s response. He could see the disconnect.

At five o’clock, he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. He’d never been happier to be done with a day’s work.

“Long day?” Jewel, one of the paralegals, stood in front of his desk, clutching a stack of folders.

He set the folder he’d been working through off to the side and pushed away from his desk. “Little bit.”

“Some of us are going to BJ’s for drinks. You’re welcome to join us.”

“Thanks,” he said, grabbing his jacket. “But I have some things to do tonight.”

She didn’t seem upset by his declining the invitation. “Maybe next time.”


Jewel wished him a good night and strolled into the file room.

The first thing Alexander did when he got in his car was check his cell to see if he had any messages from Grace. He’d been half expecting her to call or text him at some point saying she’d changed her mind, but there was no such message. That meant she either hadn’t changed her mind or she was too scared or nervous to say she had.

While her changing her mind might make things easier for him, it wasn’t what he wanted. After having her sprawled across his lap the night before, that had been painfully obvious to him. Painful being the operative word. He’d played with a sub once since being discharged from the Army. It had been a very basic scene at Serpent’s Kiss about two weeks after he joined. A way to get his feet wet again, as it were.

He hadn’t, however, had sex for close to two years. Between his deployment, and then his recovery, there hadn’t been all that many opportunities. And grabbing a quickie, locked in a latrine in the middle of the desert hadn’t really been an option. At least not for him. Seeing Grace like that, touching her—spanking her—had sent all his blood rushing to his groin.

Remembering had his problem rising to the surface again. Alexander groaned and tried to focus on the task at hand. He needed to call Grace like he promised.

The phone rang three times before she answered. “Hello.”

“Hi.” Hearing her voice brought a smile to his face. “How was your day off?”

“Good. I slept in, and then did some reading.” She paused. “I also spent some time updating my limits list.”

He hadn’t known if she’d bring it up first or not, but he was glad she had. “I did that about two months ago after I joined Serpent’s Kiss.”

“Mistress Katrina mentioned it when I met with her.” She let her words hang in the air.

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