Page 56 of Triple Threat

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“Since we’re all here, we thought we’d throw you guys a baby shower,” Maddie answers as she walks over to her son and Paige.

“Guess it’s a day of surprises then,” he returns, looking down at Paige after hugging his mom. “I asked Paige to marry me and she said yes.”

Shock fills me as I look at the couple. Ricochet is smiling one of his rare smiles while staring at Paige. She’s absolutely glowing as she looks up at him and it’s the perfect picture. Grabbing my phone, I take a quick photo for them as Hawkeye watches me with soft eyes. He’s caught me more than once taking pictures when my subject isn’t paying attention. Especially of him.

“Chance, I don’t wanna wait,” Paige suddenly says as she looks around the room. “Your entire family is here and there’s already a ton of food and stuff. I get we’re supposed to be havin’ a baby shower, which I truly appreciate, but I don’t want to wait to marry you. Let’s get married today. Right now.”

“Are you serious, baby girl?” Ricochet asks her, his smile only getting larger on his face.

“I am. Grim, will you marry us? I know you’re ordained,” she asks, looking directly at him.

“It would be my honor to marry you. Are you sure you want to do it right now?” he asks, not sure why she wants to rush to get married.

“I am. I love Chance with my entire heart and soul. So much has happened since we met and we don’t truly know how much time we have. For the first time in my life, I’m safe, loved, and surrounded by family. I don’t want to wait a second longer to be his wife because I love him and he’s already given me the world. Now, it’s time for me to give back to him and I know he doesn’t want to wait and would like his entire family here for his wedding,” Paige answers him as I keep my eyes locked on her.

“Alright. It looks like we’re gonna have a weddin’ today,” Ricochet calls out as he leans down to kiss his woman. “Go get ready and I’ll change into somethin’ else. Any preferences baby girl?”

“Nope. You don’t even gotta change. I just want to marry you,” she says, letting Lyric lead her from the common room.

“Fuck. Today took an unexpected turn,” Hawkeye murmurs as he stands at my side and rests his hand on my shoulder.

“Yes it did. But I think it’s perfect for your brother and Paige,” I tell him, knowing this is exactly how they’d want to get married.

While Paige was getting ready, everyone else transformed the common room. They didn’t take down all the baby shower decorations, just moved the tables and chairs around. There’s an archway set up that’s covered in white and red roses with vines mingled in with them. The entire archway is covered and looks so beautiful. I’ve taken pictures of everything as the room gets set up.

Hawkeye and Kevlar disappeared with Ricochet to get ready. He asked them to stand up with him and they weren’t about to turn him down. I’m sitting on my own as I just watch everyone around me. Maddie disappeared to be with the girls and everyone else is working. Tank also vanished and I have a feeling he went to spend a few minutes with his boys.

Maddie enters the common room in less than an hour and lets us all know Paige is ready. For a wedding that’s literally just been thrown together, every detail has been thought of and put in place. Ricochet, Hawkeye, and Kevlar make their way up to the archway where Grim is already standing. Everyone else takes a seat around the various tables and at the bar. I remain on the couch away from everyone as I take pictures starting the second I see Paige and Lyric in the hallway. Tank is with them and I know he’s going to walk Paige down the aisle to his son. My eyes fill with tears as I keep my eyes locked on the trio.

As the wedding march plays through the speakers, Lyric makes her way from the hallway toward the archway. Kevlar can’t take his eyes off his woman as I take so many pictures. Turning back to the hallway, I continue snapping away on my phone as Tank leads Paige from the hall. She’s wearing a white summer dress and her hair is half up with the rest hanging down in curls. There’s hardly any make-up on her face and she’s carrying a bunch of wildflowers.

Tank hands her over to Ricochet before taking his seat next to Maddie. As he sits down, he catches my eye and gives me a look I can’t determine. It’s not bad with the smile on his face, but I’m confused. Grim starts speaking and I look up to find Hawkeye staring straight at me. He’s not paying attention to the ceremony of his brother and Paige or anyone else. My man is all about me and I wonder what’s going through his head right now. Especially when he smirks at me knowing I love his smirk because it makes him look so fucking sexy.

“Ricochet and Paige are gonna say their own vows. Ricochet, go ahead,” Grim says as I start to pay attention to the couple in the front of the room.

“Paige, you came into my life under horrible circumstances. The second I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. I wanted you as my ol’ lady, wife, and the mother of my children. However, I saw the pain you were tryin’ to hide from the world and I thought I could keep things casual like you wanted. That couldn’t have been further from the truth. Every second I spent with you only made me want you more and it didn’t take long before I fell in love with you. A love so deep I know I’d blow this world apart to keep you safe. I love you and I can’t wait to welcome our little one into the world. Together, we’re gonna create a million memories and I can’t wait to start with you by my side as my wife. I love you, Paige. Forever,” he says as a few tears spill over and slide down my face.

“Chance, for the first time in my life I wanted to rip down the walls I’ve spent years building up to protect myself. From the second I saw you, I knew you were gonna change my life completely. You stayed with me when I was scared, pushing you away, and when I decided to run from everyone I loved and cared about. You only wanted me to fight for you. Fight for our relationship. I promise you here and now I’ll fight for you and our family every second of every day for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to make those millions of memories with you and our child. I love you, Chance. Thank you for making me feel safe, loved, and like I can truly be the woman I was meant to be my entire life. Thank you for giving me a reason to wake up every morning and fight for something and for giving me the world,” she says as I lose my shit.

I can’t stop the tears from falling one after another and rolling down my face to soak the top of my dress.

“It’s time to exchange rings,” Grim says, his voice above everything else as the women watching cry softly.

He goes through the words and Ricochet and then Paige repeat after him while sliding a ring onto the other’s finger. As soon as the rings are in place, Grim pronounces them husband and wife and tells Ricochet he can kiss his bride. Ricochet doesn’t hesitate as he pulls Paige into his arms and holds her close. He kisses her deeply while bending her over as everyone starts to laugh. For several long minutes, they’re lost in their own world as I snap a few more pictures before putting my attention back on Hawkeye. His eyes are still on me as I wipe a few tears away.

Finally, Ricochet pulls back and the couple turn to face their family. Both of them are smiling so large and it lights up their entire faces. I sit back as they leave the archway and start to mingle with their family members. Hawkeye doesn’t hesitate to make his way over to me where he lifts me in his arms and pulls me down into his lap. With his arms wrapped around my waist, he rests his chin on my shoulder and reaches up and wipes a few tears from my cheeks.

“I love you, sweets,” he whispers in my ear, sending a chill through my body.

“I love you. I’m so happy for your brother and Paige. They’re truly happy right now and it was perfect for them.”

“Yeah, it was. I’m happy they found one another and got through all the shit standin’ in their way. It’s only made them stronger,” he replies, watching over his family as we remain on the couch and slightly away from everyone else.

The rest of the day is spent celebrating the newlyweds and the baby I’m carrying for them. Paige and Ricochet are surrounded by their family as they laugh, talk, and spend time with one another. The rest of us watch on as they open all the gifts, eat, and dance to a song Ricochet chose for them. Hawkeye makes sure I have plenty to eat, drink, and that I don’t overdo anything. He doesn’t let me dance like I want to though. I don’t see one dance hurting me or the baby, but he’s right. Doc wants me to rest so that’s what I’m going to do. The day turned out to be amazing and perfect in every way. I couldn’t have thought of a better way to celebrate the two major life changes for Ricochet and Paige than how they chose to get married at their baby shower.

Chapter Forty-One

