Page 82 of Beginnings

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“No worries. I have a plan to fix that,” Chloe says as we leave the spa. “You have one more stop to make, and in fact, we just need to go next door.”

I look up to see the name Salon Envy above the building door, and a beautiful woman with porcelain skin, long, straight, dark red hair, and gorgeous blue eyes opens the door to greet us.

“Hey, Chloe,” she says, giving Chloe a big hug.

“Hi, Layla, it’s so good to see you. This is my best friend Olivia.”

“Olivia, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Layla.” She pulls me into a hug. “I understand our Alpha has arranged for you to have quite the day today. You must be very special to him,” she says, smiling at me.

I smile back at Layla. “We’re very close, yes.”

“Olivia, I have instructions to do your hair and makeup for a very special evening. I think we’ll start with a wash and blow-dry, then we’ll see what hairstyle is going to go best with your outfit for tonight.”

“My outfit? I don’t even know what he has planned so I definitely don’t have an outfit.”

“Oh, sweetie. We’ve taken care of all that.” She walks to a room in the back of the salon, and comes back carrying a garment bag, with a huge smile on her face. “Honey, this is going to look gorgeous on you.”

She unzips the bag to reveal a shimmering, red, off the shoulder, floor length dress with a slit that goes up to the upper thigh, and three-quarter-length sleeves.

“This dress—we saw it when we were shopping that day, Chloe.”

“Yep. Ethan asked me to help him pick something for you, and I knew this one would be perfect.”

“So, this is definitely not a casual night. No wonder you were so insistent that I shower before leaving the spa.”

“So, sweetie, what do you want to do with your hair? Now, it’s totally your choice, of course, but the Alpha did mention he really loves your hair up, something that reveals your neck.”

I smile at the thought of Ethan’s soft lips on the sensitive skin of my neck. I pull out my phone and show Layla and Chloe some hairstyles I already have pinned on Pinterest. “How about this one?” I point to a style with lots of curls loosely pinned in the back, with loose curls around the face.

Layla nods. “I think it’s perfect.”

“I love it,” Chloe agrees.

After borrowing a button-down shirt from Layla for ease after my hair is finished, she washes and dries my hair before curling all of it in big, loose curls and pinning it into place.

“It looks perfect, Layla. Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure. Now, let’s do your makeup. I think we should keep it natural looking, with a hint of glam.”

“Perfect. I can’t wait to see it.” My back is turned to the mirror so I can’t see the finished product until after she’s done.

“You’re going to love it, Olivia,” Chloe says as Layla is finishing up.

“You know, let’s get the dress on you first and then we’ll do the total reveal,” Layla says with excitement.

“The anticipation is killing me, you two.”

“It’ll be worth it,” Chloe chimes in.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Layla says, “Alpha Sullivan had this sent over for you. He says you are to open it in private before you put on the dress.” She hands me a shopping bag from Victoria’s Secret. “I promise not to tell if you let us see what’s inside,” she says with a wink.

“Me too!” Chloe agrees with enthusiasm. “Come on, we’re girlfriends. Let us see!”

“Okay, why not.” I laugh. Taking the tissue paper out of the bag, I giggle when I unwrap what’s underneath. I hold up a little red lace thong and matching strapless red lace bra. He did tell me he’d replace the panties he ripped.

“Nice,” Chloe teases, giggling.

“Your man has good taste, Olivia,” Layla says. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us. Now, go put on those pretty panties.”
