Page 69 of Beginnings

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Olivia: Colin, stop texting me. We’re done.


I’m safe and happy. That’s all you need to know.

I hit the button on the side of my phone to turn the screen off. Another text comes through.


Tell me where you are and I’ll come and get you.

Chloe smirks, shaking her head. “He really can’t take a hint, can he?”

“Obviously not. I just need to block him.” I’m getting ready to tell him to leave me alone and block his number when the door connecting to the garage opens, and Ethan and Nick walk in. I jump in surprise, almost dropping my phone, then slamming it on the kitchen counter behind me. Chloe and I both lean against the counter with big smiles plastered on our faces. It's so stupidly obvious.

“What were you two doing together?” Chloe asks.

“I had some security updates to go over with Ethan, so we met up a little bit ago,” Nick says, giving Chloe a quick kiss.

Ethan walks over to me, looking back and forth between Chloe and me. “What’s going on with you two? I feel like we interrupted something.”

“Nope. Not at all.” I smile as he studies my face. I give myself away when my eyes widen as my phone notifies me that I have a message I haven’t opened yet.

“Are you going to get that?” he asks.

“I’m sure it’s not important. I’ll get it later.” Chloe and I exchange looks and Nick frowns, now studying us too.

“What’s going on here?” Ethan reaches around and grabs my phone, immediately seeing Colin’s latest message. “What the fuck is this? Did you tell him to come and get you?”

“What? No!”

“That’s sure as fuck how it looks from where I’m standing.”

“Give me my phone and I’ll show you. Colin sent me a bunch of text messages today. It’s not a big deal, Ethan.”

“Then why the hell were you trying to hide them from me?”

“I didn’t want to upset you.”

“Well, that didn’t fucking work. Do you want to talk to him, Olivia? Do you want him to come and get you? Is that why you hid your phone?”

“What? No! What the hell, Ethan? Please, just give me the phone, and I’ll show you.”

“She was just about to block him,” Chloe chimes in.

“I thought we covered all this last night! You are mine! You’re my mate! No one else’s! Not Colin’s, not Ian’s. You are fucking mine!”

“Whoa, whoa…hey, man. You need to back up and chill,” Nick warns, putting his hand on Ethan’s shoulder. Ethan responds by shaking Nick’s hand off of him as his chest heaves.

I’m shocked and, honestly, a little pissed off by his anger. “You know what? Screw you, Ethan. I’ve had enough of this bullshit.” I grab the phone out of his hand, unlock it, and then slam it down on the kitchen counter. “Read the fucking text messages. I’ve done nothing wrong. I don’t have anything else to say to you until you can apologize and speak to me with respect.” I shake my head and run up the stairs to my room.

“Chloe, go check on Liv and let me talk to him,” Nick’s voice carries upstairs to my room. Chloe runs up the stairs opening the door.

“Hey, are you okay?” she asks.

“I’m fine,” I whisper. I hold my finger to my lips for her to be quiet. “Listen.”

“Dude, what the fuck, man? You can’t talk to her like that. I may be your second in command and your best friend, but that girl is like a sister to me, so I suggest you get your shit together.”
