Page 124 of Beginnings

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He hovers over me, kissing me before moving to my neck. His tongue tickles my mark, sending pleasure surging through my entire body. He then kisses his way down to my stomach, spending time placing tiny, gentle kisses. I smile, running my hands through his hair. Placing my hands on his arms, I pull him back up to my lips, and kiss him eagerly. He rests his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes.

“Just when I think I couldn’t possibly love you more, you give me the greatest gift. You’re making me a father. I’m so happy,” he says before placing gentle kisses on my lips. “You’re going to be an amazing mother.”

“This baby has no idea how lucky he or she is to be getting you for a daddy. My heart feels like it could burst just to think of you holding our baby. We’re going to have a wonderful life, Ethan.”

He kisses me again, intense and eager this time. I kiss and nibble his mark, resulting in a growl filled with need. He flips us over and I cry out as he slides into me. His hands travel my body, and I moan into his kiss. We embrace one another, intertwining our bodies as we move together. I’m his and he is mine.



My jaw is tight and uncomfortable this morning, but the bruise looks slightly better. Last night’s headache has been replaced with a gnawing in my stomach. Ian escaped last night and has yet to be found. Ethan has been receiving phone calls, texts, and emails all morning from people expressing their concern for me, as well as additional congratulations and approval of his new Luna. It brings me relief to hear how understanding and supportive everyone is, but I won’t feel settled until I know Ian has been detained.

Edwin brought us breakfast this morning to begin discussing how Ian even got into the celebration last night. “I can’t express to you how sorry I am that this happened to you, Olivia, and from a member of my family, no less.”

“It’s not your fault at all, Edwin. I do have to wonder, is mental illness common in werewolf society?” I ask.

“It’s not common,” Edwin says, “but it does happen.”

“He’s not mentally ill, Dad. He’s a jealous son of a bitch who’s always wanted everything I have, which now includes my mate. He’s always hated me. You know that.”

“I know, Ethan,” Edwin says with a nod, patting Ethan on the shoulder. “You know the council is going to do everything they can to deal with Ian and keep Olivia safe.”

“We have to fucking find him first. He’s smart. I’ll give him that.” Ethan shakes his head, crossing his arms.

“Do we know how he even got into the celebration last night?” Edwin asks.

“Not yet. Lance had a meeting this morning with everyone on the security team working the event last night. Nick and I will meet with him and some of the team in a few minutes.”

“I’d like to be a part of that meeting if you don’t mind?” Edwin requests.


“While the two of you do that, I think I’m going to lie down for a nap. This little one is wearing me out already.” I smile, touching my stomach.

“This meeting might take a while,” Ethan says, “but I’ll be home as soon as it’s over. Rest, sleep, whatever you can do to relax. I have top-level security stationed around the house.”

“Don’t worry about me. Falling asleep will not be an issue. I’ll be fine.” I smile, touching his arm.

“I’ll see you in a while,” he says, kissing me on his way out the door.

I make my way upstairs and climb into bed under the covers as soon as everyone is gone. I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, but I keep getting this feeling of something touching my shoulder while I sleep. I literally just try to brush it off. I don’t even open my eyes, assuming it’s just one of those strange feelings that always turns out to be nothing. When it continuesto happen, I open my eyes to see what is so persistently annoying me. My heart thunders and sinks to my stomach.

“Hello, Olivia,” Ian says with a sleazy smile as he stands right in front of me.

Screaming at the top of my lungs, I shoot up, scrambling off the other side of the bed, but he instantly has me cornered with his body pressing against mine.

“You didn’t think I was going away that easily, did you?” His warm breath moistens my ear. I cringe and try to shrink away. “I hope you enjoyed your time with my cousin because that’s all over now.” He reaches forward, snatching my arm.

“You’re sick! Let go of me!” I try to break free of his grip, but he’s too strong for me to get away. He begins to pull me across the room, and despite fighting with all I have, I’m not strong enough to stop him. “No!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

Come on, Olivia. You’re one of them now. You’re stronger than this. Fight back. I pull back against his grip, and kick him in his shins. I break free for a brief moment, only for him to grab me around my waist from behind.

“You should have done this the easy way when you had a chance. I would have treated you like a fucking queen. Now, look what you’ve done. You ruined everything! You went and got yourself knocked up with that motherfucker’s baby, and now I’m pissed! I won’t allow it! His baby will not be brought into this world!”

Oh, my God. He’s really going to hurt me. He’s going to kill me and my baby. He has me wrapped so tightly against his chest that there’s no way I can break free without doing something drastic.

This is going to hurt.

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