Page 123 of Beginnings

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“Have you heard from anyone yet?” Edwin asks Ethan.

“Not yet. They know not to give up searching the entire territory until he’s in custody.”

“Between this and the medication tampering, you shouldn’t have trouble pressing charges this time,” Edwin says.

“Oh, trust me, I plan to do as much damage to him as possible.”

“I brought you some ice to hold on your bruise to help keep the swelling down,” Vanessa says as she comes into the room and hands me a bag of ice wrapped in a towel.

“Thanks, Vanessa.”

“Oh, Olivia. I’m so sorry this happened to you,” she says, taking my hand, and looking at my face. “You still look beautiful,bruise and all, you know,” she says with a sympathetic smile. I squeeze her hand and smile in return.

“Olivia and I saw you talking to a handsome blonde we didn’t recognize earlier. Who was he?” Chloe asks, never shy to get right to the point.

“That was the Alpha of the Crimson Ridge Pack in New Jersey,” Vanessa says. “He’s hot, right?”

“Oh, I was hoping maybe you’d met your mate,” Chloe says with disappointment.

“Nope. Trust me, I would be thrilled to wake up to his baby blues every day, but it was nothing more than a little fun flirting.” I’m a little relieved he isn’t Vanessa’s mate. I don’t think we need any additional drama tonight.

Ethan and I eventually make our way back out onto the dance floor. He takes me in his arms and holds me close as we dance. “They’re going to find him, right?” I ask, looking up into his eyes.

“We’re going to find him, baby. I promise you, I will not let this go. He will be punished for this.” I nod, leaning my head against Ethan’s chest.

“It scares me what he said, Ethan…about the baby.”

He raises my chin so my eyes meet his. “I will never allow him to come near you or our baby. I mean this when I say I will fucking kill him before I allow him to harm you or the baby. I’m going to beef up security around our house. I’m going to do everything I can to catch him and be sure he never gets close to you again.”

“I love you.” I press my lips to his in a gentle kiss.

“I love you, too.” He pulls me tight to his chest, not leaving my side for the rest of the evening. Our guests seem to recognize our need to be close with one another, respecting our privacy.

A limousine takes us home so we don’t have to scrunch my gown into the front seat of Ethan’s car. The drive is quiet while Ethan holds my hand, tracing circles with his thumb. When weget home, Ethan grabs a bottle of water and acetaminophen for me.

“How are your face and head feeling?” he asks, kissing the top of my head.

“They hurt, but I already think it’s not as bad as it was earlier.”

“Good. By tomorrow it should be at least partially healed, and by the next day, it’ll probably be gone.”

“I’m especially thankful for quick healing right now. Could you help me get out of my gown upstairs?”

“Yeah. Of course.” He follows me up to our room.

“Camilla did a wonderful job with this gown.” I look at myself in the full-length mirror in our room. I notice him staring at my stomach in the mirror reflection. “What?” I ask with a laugh.

“I’m just standing here, looking at you, and trying to wrap my mind around the fact that our baby is living and growing inside you right now.”

“I know. It’s pretty incredible, isn’t it?” I smile and touch my stomach.

“It’s amazing.” He walks to me and pulls me close, kissing me. He tightens his embrace around me, deepening his kiss. “I love you.” He bends down to kiss my stomach. “And I love you, too.” I smile with my hands playing in the softness of his hair. He stands and takes my mouth with his, pausing to place a gentle kiss on my mark. “This is beautiful.” He runs his fingers along the bodice of my dress, “but may I help you out of it?”

“Please do.” I smile, turning to offer him the back of the dress. He gently unfastens the delicate pearl buttons, and then unzips it slowly, revealing pastel pink lace panties. I allow the front of the bodice to fall, stepping out and revealing I’ve been without a bra the entire evening.

“Nice choice,” he says, low and seductive. I giggle in response as he drapes my gown across a chair in the corner of the room.

“Things feel a bit uneven.” I pull his shirt from his pants, unbuttoning it, as he’d already taken his jacket off in the limousine. I slide it off his shoulders while he stares at me with his smoldering eyes and begins to remove his pants on his own. I slide back onto the bed while he moves forward. He begins to pull at my panties, and I raise my hips and legs to allow him to remove them.
