Page 107 of Beginnings

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He pulls my chair to him and takes my lips in a hungry kiss. I know we both want to take things further to show one another just how strong that love is, but doctor’s orders restrain us, so we reluctantly rein ourselves in.

“Speaking of starting our life together, I hope you don’t mind, but I made a few arrangements while you were sleeping yesterday.”

“What kind of arrangements?”

“I paid off your lease at your apartment.”

“What? Ethan, you didn’t need to do that. I have the money saved for that.”

“We’re together now, and after everything you’ve done for me, it’s the very least I could do. We’ve got until the end of the month to move your things. I’ve also already arranged for some of my guys to pack the rest of your items and move them here.”

“Thank you. You’re so good to me. You know, my parents would have loved you.”

“It means so much to me that you would say that. Do you think they would approve even knowing about who I am, and what you’ve just done to be with me?”

“They would be shocked at first, but yes. They would see how much you love me, and how happy I am with you.”

He pulls me close and kisses me, deepening the kiss as we strengthen our hold on each other. He pulls away with a low growl. “It’s torture not being able to fuck you right here and now,” he says into my neck, kissing me again.

“I want you more than anything right now.” I nuzzle into his chest, relaxing in his warmth.

“Your mark is healing well. It looks good on you.” He leans in to kiss it gently, sending a wave of pleasure through my body. “Hey,” he says, “I want to run something by you.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“How do you feel about marking me tonight?” he asks, and I sit up straight to look at him.

“Yes, definitely.” I’m surprised with the decisiveness of my answer. Honestly, the thought of biting Ethan to mark him always made me a little queasy before, and I couldn’t imagine doing it. Now, though, I feel very certain and not at all repulsed by the thought of marking him and officially making him mine.

“Wow, I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it,” Ethan says, eyes wide with surprise. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“I am.” I don’t even need to think about it. “It just feels right.”

“I agree. It does feel right. I want everyone to know I’m yours just as much as you’re mine.”

“Will it happen naturally—the canines and everything?” I ask.

“Yes,” he says with a smile. “It should all happen when the time is right.” He leans in to kiss me. “I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone at the Luna ceremony.”

“Has your mom said how things are going?”

“Everything is going well. They’ve invited all the Alphas from friendly territories and any other family, friends, and important people here in the community.”

“How many other territories are there?”

“More than you would think. Some are nearby, but some will come from different areas of the country.”

“I had no idea. Where will they stay?”

“We’ll host some in the pack house rooms, but we have a few cottages we use as private guest accommodations where some will stay.”

“If you’re inviting leaders of friendly territories, does that mean there are unfriendly territories out there?”

“There are packs out there whose ideals don’t align with ours as well as others. I’m sure my mom will fill you in on all the logistical details like food, décor, and the schedule.”

“I look forward to hearing more about it.”

We spend the rest of the morning being lazy and just enjoying each other’s company until our lunch arrives. Thanks to my heightened sense of taste, I enjoy the best cheeseburger of my entire life. Every seasoning combines together in my mouth to create an explosion of flavor. I never knew I could enjoy eating as much as I do right now. The rest of the afternoon is spent being pampered by Ethan. He gives me a full body massage, and while this one was rated PG, he promises a more erogenous version later.
