Page 10 of Beginnings

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“I am.” He then nods his head toward Nick. “Nick is my second in command.”

I look at Nick and shake my head. “Second in command, huh?” I thought he worked in law enforcement. “Wait a minute. Chloe, did you guys set this up from the beginning? Why was he even at the reception last night?” I ask, pointing to Ethan and shooting accusing looks between Chloe and Nick.

“I was at the reception because the groom works for my family’s company,” Ethan says. “It was purely coincidental. However, I did ask them to bring you back to me. Chloe and Nick weren’t in on anything. I’m their Alpha. They had no choice but to follow my orders.”

“But why? You keep saying I’m yours. You and I don’t even know each other. It’s weird.”

“You didn’t seem to think it was weird when you and I kissed last night.”

“That…just—” I stammer as the heat of last night rushes back to me. “It never should have happened. I’m engaged. I was upset and a little drunk.” I sigh. “The kiss was a huge mistake.”

“It wasn’t a mistake, Olivia,” he says, his jaw clenching.

“Why are you even so interested in me? I’m sure you could have any woman you want. I don’t understand.”

Ethan looks at Chloe, giving her a quick nod. “Well, Ethan has recognized you as his, um…mate,” Chloe responds, avoiding eye contact.

“I’m sorry, his what?”

“We believe each of us is blessed with one true mate or soulmate in our lifetime. We instantly feel a pull toward them when we meet them, just as I did with you last night,” Ethan says. “So, I don’t want just any woman, Olivia. I want you.”

I frown at him. “You think I’m your mate?”

He stares at me with his steel blue eyes. “I know you are.”

“I’m human. Even if werewolves are real, which they aren’t, there’s no way I’m the mate to one.”

“It’s rare, especially for a dominant Alpha like me, but it’s true, Olivia. You’re mine.”

“You’re wrong. I don’t even feel anything for you.” I’m lying through my teeth. I most definitely feel all the things. I’m feeling things right now as I think about Ethan being dominant.

Ethan stands and leans down so both his hands are on the arms of my chair, pinning me in. “The fuck you don’t,” he says, his voice deep and his breath fresh and warm. “I know you felt it when I touched your arm tonight. I know you recognize it when you look into my eyes, and I sure as fuck know you felt it when we kissed last night. There’s no mistake here, Olivia. Youare mine, and I will not be giving you up.” He finally returns to leaning on his desk, and I can breathe again, allowing room for my anger to expand in my chest.

“You’re not giving me up? Who the hell do you think you are? You know what, I’m sorry I don’t recognize you as mymate,” I say with air quotes, “but that’s because I’m engaged to someone else. I have a life with Colin. He loves me.” I’m certainly not giving up my life as I know it because a guy who thinks he’s a werewolf decides I somehow belong to him.

So why does my chest hurt so badly when I think about walking away from him?

“Colin Burke will not, and cannot, ever love you the way I do. Never suggest to me again that he does!” His hands clench the ledge of his desk while his eyes stare into mine.

“Love me? You think you love me?” I roll my eyes, laughing sarcastically. “You don’t even know me. I’m done here.” I stand up to storm out of the room, but as soon as I move toward the door, I’m blocked by Ethan’s imposing body.

“We’re not done talking.”

“Unless you can prove this insanity to me, I have nothing else to say. So, go ahead. Prove it. Show me.”

“No.” Ethan shakes his head. He crosses his arms with authority and shuts down the idea. “You’re not ready for that.”

“I’m with Ethan on this, Olivia. You’re already overwhelmed. I don’t think it’s something you’re ready to see yet,” Nick agrees.

I nod my head. “That’s exactly what I thought. You’ve got nothing, or you’d show me. You’d prove you’re telling the truth.” I take a step closer to Ethan. “You never back down from a dare, right? Well, I fucking dare you. Show me.”

Ethan sighs and shakes his head, dragging his hands down his face. “Don’t play this game with me, Olivia.”

“You’re the one playing games. Now, I said show me.”

He charges toward me, taking my upper arms in his hands, and I gasp as he backs me up against a wall. “Are you sure about this?”

“I’m sure you’ve got nothing. You’re stalling, Ethan.”
