Page 130 of Cruel Kings

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Leaning in, I kissed Caleb’s cheek, and proceeded to do the same with Corey. This time, it felt natural.

They both grinned at me, taking my breath away with their smiles.

This is a good start, I thought to myself as I headed upstairs. There was still hope we could make something work between us.



People stared at me as I walked through the path leading to the exam hall. Both Corey and Caleb had their arms wrapped around my shoulder. People whispered to each other but no one dared shout out insults at me.

“Thanks for coming with me,” I whispered.

“You don’t have to thank us,” Caleb answered in a grave tone. “No one talks shit aboutourgirl. We’ve got a reputation to maintain too.”

The possessive hint in his voice made me smile.

The last ten days went by like a breeze. Without the need to go to school or work, I spent my time studying or taking long walks along the lake.

Corey and Caleb stayed with me the whole time, only leaving me when they needed to go shopping for food. Their exams were scheduled during the same week as mine, so they ended up staying in and studying as well.

I was glad they kept their word. They treated me so well, I nearly forgot the way they tormented me. Nearly.

It would take a long time for me to forget the terror and sheer shock of the way they attacked me the first time I stepped into their home. I doubted if I could ever stay in that house and not remember.

Their kindness healed some of my wounds though. I always believed they were good underneath their monstrous facades. The last ten days were proof of that.

“Do you have to go back to your apartment?” Corey asked as we stopped at the building’s entrance.

“We can’t spend two hours commuting every day,” I said. “At least, not during exam week.” I let out a small sigh and smiled. “I already miss the lakeside.”

“I miss you,” said Corey.

Warmth flooded my chest as I gazed into his warm green eyes.

“Call us if you need anything,” said Caleb. “You know we’ve got your back.”

Before I could reply, my body immediately reacted to a new presence. Looking around Caleb, I spotted Noah. He stood a few feet away, his steely-gray eyes taking in the scene.

“Oops! Cat’s out of the bag,” Corey said, grabbing me by the shoulder and kissing my cheek.

Noah stalked forward.

“Where have you been?” he asked in a low, dangerous voice.

“None of your business,” I said.

His gaze moved up to glare at his brothers. “You lied.”

“Like she said,” Caleb drawled. “It’s none of your business where she’s been and who she’s been with.”

“She’s been with you this whole time,” Noah hissed through clenched teeth. “I cansmellher on the two of you.”

“Did you miss her?” Corey asked with a chuckle. “It’s okay to confess, bro.”

Noah scoffed. “I was only worried they’d question me if she disappeared and got herself killed.”

“She could’ve been,” Caleb said in a grave tone. “You made sure someone else did your dirty job.”

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