Page 129 of Cruel Kings

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“I am,” I said with a nod. “Thanks for doing this for me. I don’t think I could’ve handled much on my own anymore. This is the perfect place to hide until things cool down at campus.”

“We’re just glad you agreed to come,” said Corey.

“You guys haven’t made it easy to trust you,” I said in a somber voice.

We fell quiet, but kept eating through the feast we’d cooked up. There was very little talk until we finished everything.

“I’m so full I can barely move,” I complained, leaning against my chair.

“We’ll take care of everything, princess,” said Corey with a wink.

To my surprise, Corey and Caleb pushed their chairs back and started clearing the table.

For a while, I simply watched them, putting things back in the cupboards and doing dishes in the sink. Lethargy caught hold of me, keeping me glued to my chair. It’d been way too long since I got a proper rest.

Corey and Caleb were treating me with extreme care. I wanted to trust them, trust that they truly meant to help me.

Leaving them in the kitchen, I moved into the living room area. The comfortable couches beckoned me like a siren call, so I decided to spend the rest of the evening there.

Corey and Caleb came back after a while and settled on the couch with me.

“You want to watch a movie?” Caleb asked me.

“Sure,” I said.

“Do you like crime thrillers?” Corey asked.

“I don’t mind them,” I said with a smile.

“Awesome!” Corey gushed, moving toward one of the cabinets in the corner.

“He’s got a really good collection,” said Caleb. He gently wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I leaned into him, enjoying the warmth he offered.

Corey turned on the TV and came back to the couch. He picked up my feet and placed them on his lap.

The movie didn’t interest me much. While they were soon focused on the story, I let myself enjoy their warm companionship.

There was no fighting and resisting needed. They gave me complete freedom to be myself.

“You should go to bed,” said Caleb. “You’ve yawned five times in the last minute already.”

My head was fully resting on his chest while my legs were splayed over Corey’s thighs.

“Yeah, go sleep,” said Corey, surprising me.

I gazed at them, wondering why they weren’t hauling me upstairs and doing what they always did. Would they really let me go without fucking me between them?

“Since you’re sleeping early, you’re making breakfast in the morning,” said Corey. His gaze was back on the movie.

“That’s all?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he muttered, not even looking at me.

I glanced over at Caleb. His attention was on the movie too.

Intense relief spread through me. They truly meant to let me rest tonight.

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