Page 131 of Cruel Kings

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“Why the hell are you talking to me like?” Noah growled. “Is her pussy that good? Are your dicks so desperate for her that you’ve forgotten your own brother?”

“Don’t insult the boys,” Corey said in a grim tone. “Also, watch out. If you don’t get that stick out of your ass soon, you’re going to regret it.”

“You’ll betray me forher?” Noah hissed through clenched teeth.

“Nobody betrayed you, bud,” said Corey. I pulled on the end of Corey’s jacket. “What’s up sugar pie?” he asked with a grin.

“It’s almost time,” I said. “I should go in now.”

“Oh?” He checked his phone. “Yeah, you guys should head in.”

“Good luck, Milla,” Caleb said and kissed my cheek.

“Yeah, break a pen or something,” said Corey, kissing me on the lips.

“People are staring,” I whispered.

“Let them,” said Caleb. “They’ll know not to mess with you.”

Noah bumped into me as he stalked past me.

“What an ass,” Corey muttered darkly.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled the strap of my backpack higher on my shoulder and entered the building where exams for Business Administration were taking place.

I’d never been this relaxed before an exam. For the first time in four years, I felt confident.

Thanking Corey and Caleb in my mind, I headed inside the assigned classroom.

I couldn’t believe how fast the week went by.

We had exams every day of the week, leaving everyone with little time to waste on anything other than revising for the next subject. Noah glared at me every time our gazes met but otherwise, left me alone.

Exam week had the whole student body under its grip. Even the most troublesome kids were spending time in the library, trying to do some last-minute cramming in a bid to pass.

I looked around the room. Today was the last day of the exams. I was done writing all my answers but with twenty minutes left to go, I decided to take a second to soak up the moment.

Four intense years were finally coming to a close. When I submitted my answer sheet, I’d be officially done with college. The results and graduation ceremonies still remained, but I wouldn’t have to worry about assignments and projects ever again!

Taking a deep breath, I got to my feet and collected my paper and other things. The professor in the front glanced at me. I walked forward and reached him, handing him my paper.

It’s finally over, I thought with relief.

Feeling light as a feather, I walked out of the exam hall.

A warm breeze blew by. Looking up, I gazed at the blue afternoon sky. Spring was here. My thoughts went to Mom.

She’d been sending me photos every day. She looked thinner but otherwise, looked happy. Staying in Switzerland seemed to have made a difference in her mental health. Or maybe it was Brian’s proximity that made her smile so often.

I wanted to see her badly.Patience, I told myself.She’s coming back tomorrow.

A part of me wanted her to stay in Switzerland with Brian longer. She seemed so much happier there.

Taking my phone out, I quickly sent a text to her, telling her that my exams were finally over.

Mom didn’t text back immediately, probably because it was still too early in Bern.

Putting my phone away, I decided to wait for Wyatt and Luke. We’d already made plans to spend the afternoon drinking at the High Five Bar to celebrate our freedom.

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