Page 128 of Cruel Kings

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Opening the chat app, I browsed through the photos Mom sent me of their trip to Switzerland. Her face had heavy makeup to cover the paleness of her skin but there was no way she could’ve faked that bright smile. Her eyes sparkled in each photo.

I decided to wait until Brian came home. There was no point in bringing this up at the moment. It was better to let them enjoy their time before they arrived and dealt with the crap show Noah created.

At the same time, I decided to keep this to myself. There was no point in telling Corey and Caleb. I’d be returning the money anyway. Our relationship was just starting to heal. Talk of money would only sour everything.

It was time I got a break too. Living in this cabin was the perfect way to relax and prepare for the exams coming up next week. I wouldn’t have to fight for a place at the library or deal with any of the crap people were throwing my way.

Taking a deep breath, I started unpacking.

The smell of roasting meat made my mouth water. Corey and Caleb worked at the grill in the backyard of the cottage, expertly tossing and basting steaks and sausages.

I watched them from my seat on a garden chair. A chilly evening breeze swept by, but I felt comfortably warm in my woolen cardigan and thick boots.

We were completely removed from the vicinity of Silverlake University. There was no one spying on me or hurling insults. Corey and Caleb left me alone most of the day so I could get settled in the house.

For the first time in months, I felt safe.

They both kept their promise. There were several texts from Noah demanding to know where I was.

I took a deep breath and took a swig of beer. Over the next week, I didn’t want to care about anything other than the upcoming exams. They were last hurdles to overcome so I could live freely.

“We’re almost done,” Corey called out.

“Cheers to that!” I shouted, raising my beer bottle. Getting to my feet, I went over to them. “How about I set up the table?” I suggested.

“Sure,” said Caleb. “Take that platter,” he said, pointing toward a plate of well-charred steaks. “Those are done.”

“Got it.” I carried the platter inside the kitchen and set it on the table which was already covered in dishes of salad I’d made earlier.

The sight of the food made my stomach grumble. It’d been too long since I enjoyed a meal.

Corey and Caleb entered the kitchen after a while with more plates of meat and roasted corn cobbs.

“What are we waiting for?” Caleb asked, looking between me and his brother. “Let’s eat while everything’s still hot.”

He didn’t have to ask me twice. I sat down at the table and filled my plate with a slice of thick steak, some drumsticks and a large mound of coleslaw.

“This is so good,” I crooned, chewing through a perfectly cooked piece of steak.

Corey and Caleb grinned at each other.

“I had no idea you guys could cook this well,” I said.

“You haven’t given us a chance, princess,” said Corey. “There’s so much you don’t know about us.”

I raised a somber gaze at him. “And whose fault is that?”

Caleb dug his elbow in Corey’s side. “Stop talking nonsense and let her enjoy the meal.”

Corey picked up a corn cob and stuffed it in Caleb’s mouth. “Youshut up and eat.”

I giggled.

They both stared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” said Caleb, smiling at me. “It’s good to see you enjoying the food.”

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