Page 127 of Cruel Kings

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“We don’t mind sharing your bed either,” said Corey, grinning mischievously.

My cheeks warmed at once. “We’ll see,” I said, intent on not sounding too eager.

Corey dug his elbow into Caleb’s side. “She says she’ll see. I think we’re getting lucky tonight.”

I blushed harder. “Depends on what you feed me tonight,” I said, walking past them into a well-furnished bedroom.

Corey and Caleb chuckled and set my things on the bed.

“Well, rest up,” Caleb said in a suddenly husky voice that sent tremors through my pussy. “We’ll take care of dinner but you’re going to have to take care of dessert.”

His voice and darkened gaze told me he wasn’t expecting pudding or ice cream. He was expectingme.

Corey pinched my cheek. “You’re red like a plum,” he said and laughed.

I tried to bat his hand away but he was too quick and suddenly, I was wrapped in his arms with his lips clamped around my mouth.

Caleb pressed his body from behind, effectively caging me in.

Pleasure flowed through me as I languidly swirled my tongue over Corey’s.

When Corey broke the kiss, Caleb turned me around and captured my lips, his hands gently cupping my butt. Pleasure throbbed through me, making me wish our bodies weren’t separated by clothes.

A part of me realized how natural it’d become to kiss both Corey and Caleb. They’d done something to me. I could’ve never imagined it would be possible to have two guys showering me with attentionat the same time.

Corey and Caleb left me in the room and went out to prepare for the barbeque. Deciding to unpack as quickly as possible, I opened my duffel bag.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Wondering if it was Kendra, I took it out and read the message.

My eyes widened as I realized the text was sent from a bank, stating a deposit of twenty thousand dollars had been credited to my account. I stared at the message, wondering if it was a mistake.

I almost called the helpline number attached at the end of the text, then I remembered signing up bank papers earlier that week. Did Mr. Jenkins do this?

Instead of calling the bank, I gave the elderly lawyer a call.

“Hello, Miss Brown,” Jenkins answered politely. “How may I help you today?”

“I just received a text saying someone deposited twenty thousand dollars into my account. Until this week, I didn’t even have an account with this bank.”

“Ah. I’m glad to know that the transfer went through. You’ll receive your credit card and other necessary items in the mail soon.”

“You sent it?”

“It is Mr. Amhurst’s money,” he explained. “I only did as he ordered me, Miss Brown.”

“But why...”

“This is the same allowance Mr. Amhurst’s sons receive every month,” said Jenkins. “Now that he’s your guardian, it only makes sense you’d have the same privileges as his sons.”

“But, I don’t want the money.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Brown. This is an issue you must take up with your stepfather. I am in no position to retrieve the sum from your account.” He cleared his throat pointedly. “Can I help you with anything else?”

“No,” I mumbled.

“Then, I wish you a good day, Miss Brown.” The call switched off.

I collapsed onto the edge of the bed and stared at the text. It was surreal to think my account had twenty thousand dollars in it now.

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