Page 126 of Cruel Kings

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“You won’t regret it,” said Corey, sliding his hand over my stomach.

“Pack up your stuff,” said Caleb, climbing off the bed. “I’ll bring the car around, so you’ve got about an hour to get ready.”

“Bring my stuff too,” said Corey, staying stuck to me. “Loads of clean underwear for me, brother.”

Caleb chuckled and donned his jacket. “Sure. Since you’re wearing that on the trip, I’ll just pack you some underwear.”

“I think this top’s rather flattering on me,” said Corey, thrusting his chest out. “Don’t you think so, Milla?”

A giggle escaped me.

I didn’t understand what it was but a sudden calm washed over me. Corey and Caleb made me feel the same way as the time when we first go to know each other.

I desperately hoped they wouldn’t break my trust. It was the last chance they had.

I breathed in the fresh air and looked out at the vast expanse of Silver Lake, the lake that gave our town its name. The serene waters sparkled under a clear blue sky.

“This place is beautiful,” I said, smiling freely after what seemed like a very long time.

“Wait till you see the cabin,” said Corey. “Girls have been begging us to bring them over but you’re the only one who’s ever gotten an invitation.”

My cheeks warmed.

Caleb wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me against him. “You can walk around here any time of the day,” he said. “This area is busy during summers but the rest of the year, it’s pretty chill.”

“I already love it here,” I said, liking the way Caleb held me close to him.

“I’m in the mood for barbeque,” said Corey.

“Not a bad idea,” said Caleb. He glanced down at his phone. “It’s too late for lunch but we can get the grill out for dinner.”

“Do we have enough meat?” Corey asked.

“We do, but we’ll have to go shopping tomorrow.”

I watched as Corey and Caleb planned a barbeque between them. They sounded genuine. As long as they weren’t hatching a plan to chain me up in the basement, I was happy to go along with anything.

“How about we let her get settled in while we check out the garage for supplies?” Corey suggested.

Caleb glanced down at me. “Do you want to stay out here longer or go in?”

Surprise flickered through me. He was giving me a choice. That alone relieved my suspicion.

“I’ll go in,” I said.

They accompanied me to the two-storied cottage-style house overlooking the lake. Bare birch trees dotted the property. The place would be lush and green during the summer and I immediately decided to come back if things didn’t get messed up.

Caleb carried my duffle bag and Corey shouldered my laptop bag. Feeling hopeful, I followed them inside the house.

The interior of the house was extremely cozy. I could see why they kept this place to themselves. This was a place they could hang in when they needed to relax and chill out.

I looked around enthusiastically, finding loads of spots in the living room where I could study. Lightly colored curtains brought in plenty of sunshine.

“Over here,” Corey called as he disappeared down a hallway.

I hurried after him, finding myself in a darkened hall with a staircase leading upstairs. Following them, I reached the upper floor landing.

“You can use this room,” said Caleb as he opened a door. “Corey and I can share the other one.”

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