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“Will do.” I hung up the phone and dropped it on the couch.

“Well?” Fiona asked.

“He talked to the cops, but they didn’t give much away.”

“And what did he say when you suggested you take over the basic managerial stuff for the time being.”

“He seemed to think that was a terrible idea.”

She tilted her head. “Why?”

“I guess because Chuck was even shadier than we realized.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

“Seems like the place is in financial and legal ruin as far as Nathan is concerned.”


I sighed. “So the bad news is, I still have no job.”

“What’s the good news?”

“I won’t be going back there,” I said. “Cause that is not an option.”

Fiona covered her mouth and shook her head. “Well on that note, there’s vodka in the freezer.”

“What chasers do we have?”

“Coke. Orange Juice.”

“Any cranberry?”

“No, but if that’s what you want, I would be more than happy to go get it for you.”

“Maybe we could also get some cookie dough.”

“The kind that comes in the tube?”

“Yeah,” I said. “It’s been too long since I had some of that.”

Fiona smiled at me through sad eyes. “I’ll get my shoes.”

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