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- Aiden -

I took the morning off to go in and sign the lease, and while there were a few tweaks I wanted to make to the place before I showed it to anyone else, it felt good to slip the extra keys on my keychain.

I checked the time when I left Nick’s office. I was hoping I’d have time to see if Lucy wanted to grab lunch, but I would’ve been cutting it too tight considering I could never say good bye to her as easily as I predicted.

Plus, I wanted to be on my best behavior so that when it came time to leave the team, I was in good standing with everyone. After all, if I played my cards right, the college would be a great source of referrals for me going forward, referrals that would help me hit the ground running.

I raced towards the campus, hoping I’d at least have a few minutes to give Lucy a call and tell her the good news. I pulled into my usual space with plenty of time to spare. Tommy’s car was already in the stadium lot, along with two of the coaches’ cars, but they were always earlier than the rest of the team so I knew I had plenty of time.

I dialed Lucy’s number and waited anxiously for her voice to break the monotonous ringing.

“Hello there,” she said.

“Hello yourself.”

“You at work?” she asked.

“Actually I took the morning off.”

“And you didn’t invite me?”

“I had an appointment.”

“Everything alright?”

“Everything’s great actually.”

“Who’d you have to see?”


“The realtor guy?”


“You sound happy? You have some good news or something?”

I smiled. “Guess who’s the proud owner of two thousand square feet of office space in Baylesbury Park?”



“Congratulations, Aiden. That’s wonderful news.”

“I know. I’m so excited to start decorating the place and hiring and doing all the little things I haven’t realized I’ll have to do.”

“I bet.”

“I can’t wait to show it to you.”

“I can’t wait to see it,” she said.

“You on your lunch break right now?”

“Sort of.”

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