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“I know. Trust me. She went on about it all morning.”

“Couldn’t someone else run it? Even if Chuck’s not there?”

“That’s what I said in my message to Nathan, that it’s not just our jobs. We could lose all our clients as well.”

Fiona nodded.

The sound of my ringing phone spilled out of my purse, and I rooted around until I found it.

“Nathan!” I said, making eyes at Fiona. “Thanks so much for returning my call.”

“No problem,” he said in my ear. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get back to you earlier.”

“What can you tell me about this notice?”

“Well, I just got off the phone with one of the officers you met this weekend.”


“And they couldn’t tell me much.”

“No surprise there.”

“But it seems like Chuck’s been taken into custody.”

“Do you know if they’re going to release him or-”

“No, but I think it’s safe to assume he won’t be opening the door back up if they do.”

“Could I open the doors?” I asked. “So we’re not all out of our jobs? I mean, we have months and months worth of appointments already on the books.”

“I know, and I’m not sure what to tell you about that. There might be a settlement that comes out to compensate you and the other employees for what’s happened, but I wouldn’t plan on it because nothing’s guaranteed.”

“So no one can run the business in the meantime?”

“Between you and me Lucy, I don’t think it’s a good idea to get wrapped up in that.”


“Cause I think you’d be taking over something far more financially and legally unstable than you realize.”

“So what should I do?”

“If you were my kid, I’d tell you to look for a new job.”

“And as your client?”

“The best I can do is ask you to sit tight. In the meantime, I’ll try to find out as much as I can about the fate of the salon and the status of the sexual harassment case.”

“Thanks, Nathan.”

Fiona was leaning back in her chair with her ears perked up like a cat’s.

“Sorry I can’t do more to help,” he said.

“It’s okay. I know you’re doing the best you can.”

“I’ll keep you posted,” he said. “Take care of yourself.”

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