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“Which end?”


“Well that one’s out.”


“Cause there’s no money in the world that could get me excited about doing weaves and braids all day. I’ll have arthritis before I’m thirty.”

“I know, but beggars can’t be-”

“Choosers, I know. But we don’t have to beg yet,” I said. “We can make the rent for a few months before it comes to that.”

“Remember the good old days when a single night of babysitting set you up for a good week?”

“Maybe that’s what we should do.”


“Yeah, get all the girls from the salon and start out own Babysitter’s Club.”

Fiona smiled. “Can I be Claudia?”

“Sure,” I said. “I’ll be Dawn.”

“You can’t be Dawn. She’s blond.”

“I’ll change it. Whatever.”

“I was thinking you’d be Kristy,” she said.

“I’m not nearly bossy enough to be Kristy.”

“Whatever you say, Kristy.”

“Ha Ha. Very funny.”

“I thought so anyway.”

“I suppose now would be a good time to call Aiden and see if he can get me some wedding gigs.”

“Wouldn’t hurt.”

I blew some air out from between my cheeks.

“It’ll be okay, Luce.”

“I know,” I said. “I’m just so sick of things being okay. I want things to be amazing all the time. Is that so much to ask?”

“It’s cause your love life is going so well. Something else had to give to make up for all that goodness.”

“Yeah, life’s a bitch.”

“So you don’t think the salon is going to open back up?”

“The sign didn’t exactly give off a be back soon vibe.”

“But they can’t just fuck over all the girls that work there like that. I mean, Di’s a single mom.”

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