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Holly playfully smacked him on the arm. “Don’t you dare question my badassery, Elijah Donnelley. It’s not measured by hot sauce levels, I promise you that much.”

“Sure, sure,” he said around a mouthful of pizza.

“This pizza is really good though,” she admitted, picking up another slice. “Who was the genius who invented stuffed crust? Yum.”

She took a big bite, then let out a huge yawn.

“Tired?” he asked, amused.

“I didn’t sleep very well last night.”

“Yeah, I hear that.” He pointed at the pizza. “Save room for dessert. I don’t want you to be too full to try it.”

“Dessert? When did you order dessert?”

“When you went to the bathroom. It should be here soon.”

Holly took one last bite of her pizza, then tossed it down onto the plate. “Okay, no more. I’m done.” She glanced over at him, then snorted. “I can’t believe you’re eating like this before a playoff series.”

“It’s just a one-off,” he said with a shrug. “Besides, I was fucking trashed earlier today. I might as well go the distance.”

“You were drunk?” she asked, stunned.

“Off my ass,” he told her, taking another bite of his chicken wing.

“But why?”

He gave her a pointed look. “You know why.”

Holly blinked. He’d done it because of what had happened between them. Because of the things she’d said.


“Leave it,” he said gently. “It’s over and done with.”

A knock sounded at the door, and he hopped off the bed. “That will be our dessert.”

After paying the delivery person, he closed and locked the door, then walked over to the bed with a white box and a bottle of champagne. The box was wrapped with a perfectly tied red ribbon and bow. He set it down in front of her.

“I get to open it?”


She pulled at the ribbon and took the lid off of the box. Inside were twelve delicious-looking, chocolate-covered strawberries.

“Yes!” she cried, snatching one from the tray. “Ilovechocolate-covered strawberries. These look amazing.”

“You love chocolate-covered everything,” he teased. “Now hand one of those over. You have to share.”

“But they were wrapped like a gift.” She gave him a playful pout. “Since when does one have to share a gift?”

He laughed. “You’re very possessive about your chocolate, aren’t you?”

Holly handed him a strawberry. “Yes, but I’m just teasing. Of course I’ll share with you.”

She took a bite of the huge, decadent chocolate-covered berry, then let out a moan. “Holy hell. They are delicious. How did you even know about these?”

The moment the words were out of her mouth, she regretted them.

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