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“Actually, don’t tell me,” she said, hoping her cringe wasn’t too obvious. “I don’t want to know.”

Eli shot her an amused look as he packed up the rest of the food boxes and set them on the table nearby. “West got them as a surprise for Penn tonight. I knew you loved chocolate, so I figured I’d get them, too.”

“Oh,” she said, secretly relieved it wasn’t something he did all the time for other women. “Well, they’re amazing.”

He swiped the box from her, then gave her a sexy little smile as he sat back down on the bed. “You want some more of these?”

“Uh, yeah.” She licked the strawberry juice from her fingers. “I hope you don’t think you’re going to keep that box away from me, or we’re going to have a problem.”

“We can negotiate for them.”

Holly raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Truth or Dare.”

She made a face. “Really? I’m having high school flashbacks right now.”

Eli grinned. “Nah. You have to be an adult to play this game. Only rule is we can’t leave the room.”

“So, nothing like running naked down the hallway, then?”

“Nope. This is just between us.”

“Between us,” she repeated.

He gave a slow nod, before his gaze landed on her mouth. “Yeah.”

“I’m game. Pour me some of that champagne.”

Eli popped the bottle and poured them each a glass. “To keep things fair, let’s flip a coin to choose. Heads for truth, tails for dare.”

“Okay,” she nodded, stifling a yawn. Damn, she needed some caffeine. Her coffee high had worn off, and this water wasn’t cutting it. “Do you have a coin?”

He fished one out of his pocket. “Yup.”

“Always Mr. Prepared,” she teased, taking a sip of the champagne. “Okay, who goes first?”

“Ladies first.”

Holly took the coin and flipped, watching as it landed on the comforter. “Hmm, truth it is. Ask away.”

He settled back against the headboard, resting one hand on his stomach as he studied her. “In the past year, have you ever thought about me while you touched yourself?”

Holly coughed delicately, then shot him a look. “Wow, no easy questions first, huh? You’re just going for it.”

“I am.”

“Yes,” she said, holding his gaze. “I have.”

She didn’t miss the flash of heat in his eyes when she handed him the coin. “Your turn.”

He flipped the quarter, and she peered down at it. “Truth for you, too. Let me think a minute.”

She untied her hair from the top knot, and when it spilled down over her shoulders, Eli took a sharp breath.

“Do that again,” he ordered.

It was her turn to give him a sexy smile. “Sorry, only one per night. Okay, now for my question. You’ve obviously thought about us having sex over the past year. When you have, what position were we in?”

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