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So intense it fills me with a courage I’ve never had, guiding my hands up so I can rake my fingers up his shirt and over his abs.

Jesus,his abs.

They’re a sculpted masterpiece, granite ridges and valleys screaming raw power. Inhaling sharply, I’m hit with an image of what a body like his can do to me, princely and wild in all the right ways that feel so wrong. So delectable.

I fumble with the buttons on his shirt, my fingers shaking and eager.

I want him to see what he does to me.

And if I’m going to be naked in front of him, we need to level the playing field fast.

Somehow, I manage to get the shirt off without tying myself in knots, tugged down his arms and discarded. I push back so I can look at him.

This is when it’s time to say something witty or heartfelt, but I’m tongue-tied by a tattooed god.

He towers over me, staring down with blue eyes in flames, slowly working his fingers in and out of my opening and holding me up with his other hand.

The V of pure muscle at his hips would be enough to convert a nun, and I’m far less pious.

“Dexter.” My voice is so rough I cough.

God, the expression in his eyes—dark and determined enough to strike a woman down—practically sends me off the rails entirely.

“Take off your pants,” I force out.

“Bossy girl. You’re lucky as hell I’m accommodating today.” A long, slow smile spreads across his face as he drops his trousers, revealing a pair of dark boxers—and a dick print so large I wonder if he holds a world record.

Holy cock.

I want him inside me, but his size makes me nervous.

That’s even less reason to rush, no matter how much I’m aching to be filled and throw caution to the wind.

I have the most perfect man worshipping me right now, and I’m going to savor this moment.

The tattoos stop at his arms except for one on his chest.

It’s a bird—another cardinal is my guess—though it’s inked in black, trapped in a cage. The tattoo is a small circle on his breastbone that almost resembles a coin from a distance, but the sight of it makes my heart squeeze.

“Junie.” His voice brings my attention back to his face. “My eyes are up here, woman.”

I laugh.

Right. This is no time to get distracted.

So I hook my thumbs into his boxers and pull them down, freeing an erection so big it might qualify as a lethal weapon. I go to take it in my hands, but he catches my wrists.

“Not yet.” The way he growls it sends shivers down my spine. “You forget I haven’t showered.”


I’m not one to turn down shower sex, so I make no objection as he lifts me up and carries me into the shower. He switches on the water with one hand and I tighten my legs around him until his cock is positioned right where I want it.

He catches his breath as I start grinding, just in case he’s forgotten I’m ready and waiting and I’ve wanted this for longer than I care to admit.

“You’re so goddamned sexy it’s obscene,” he tells me as he kisses me again.

That hand finally palms my breast, hurling sparks through my nipples, heightening the tightening pleasure at my core.
