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Yes, more.

More, more, more.

His breath is heavy as I roll my hips, sliding across him, letting him feel just how wet I am.

The hot water streams around us like a comforting blanket. I use the opportunity to trace every inch of him.

His broad shoulders, the defined muscles of his back, the magnificent ridges of his ass, his rugged biceps, his iron jaw.

I love feeling the next growl that explodes up his throat.

Reaching down, I tentatively grab that massive cock in my hands, using my own slickness to slide my hand up and down a few times.

He’s huge, but he won’t do permanent damage, I think.

Right now, that’s the only green light I need.

His groan unravels what’s left of my brain and I pull him to my entrance, every breath leaving me a trembling mess.

“Don’t even think about making me wait another second,” I say, shifting down until the tip slips inside me.

Even that’s enough to make me gasp.

The promise of what’s to come, the way he stretches my entrance, the desperate desire to push down and take all of him inside me…

His wicked laugh rumbles in his chest as he presses me against the wall, eclipsing my mouth with his.

I barely have time to process the coolness of the tiles against my back before he’s sliding in, pushing deeper, and my brain shuts down.

“What do you want?” he asks, pausing.

I don’t know how he has the self-control, but pinned against the wall like this, I can’t even sink the rest of the way myself.

“Junie, tell me.”

“You,” I manage, so red with anticipation I’m dying. “I want you, Dex. I want you to fuck me. I want it all. Please.”

“If you insist,” he teases.

And in one swift pump he thrusts the rest of the way in.

I moan, my eyelids fluttering.

Nerves I didn’t know I had ignite, entire galaxies of pleasure rippling to my core.

Rough fingers squeeze my nipple as he pushes himself in to the hilt and holds us there.

His kisses come hotter than before, hotter than ever, hungry and so, so relentless.

It’s like he has to own every part of me as he slowly finds his rhythm, working my hips against the wall with every stroke, and my whole universe condenses into this man and his devil thrusts.

Dexter Rory, ruiner of all future sex.

The only thing that exists here are his clever fingers—one on my nipple, the other finding its way to my center and the sensitive nub pleading for attention—and the way he’s moving inside me.

Oh. My. God.

I’m not usually the kind of girl to lose my head over amazing sex, but this isn’t that.
