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Oh God, he knows.

He knows and he wants me.

“Come here,” I whisper, already trembling.

His nostrils flare as he steps forward, almost like he can smell me.

I step up to him and we collide in the middle of the bathroom, gliding into each other’s arms in front of the foggy mirror.

Growling, he throws the towel in my hand over my shoulder.

His mouth impacts mine like a man possessed.

His hand greedily reaches down, pushing between my legs.

When his thumb finds my clit and stops, smothering me in a vicious tease, I’m gone.

My teeth sink into his bottom lip and a loud moan rips out of my throat.

It’s everything we tasted before but so much more.

And this time, I’m one hundred percent sober, only intoxicated on Dexter Rory and the way he groans against my tongue.

“Fucking shit, Sweet Stuff,” he breathes into my ear when he breaks away. “I’d better ruin you before you level me.”

And his lips are back, hot and claiming, hellbent on burning me down.

This isn’t a mistake anymore and it’s definitely not for show.

His fingers thread in my hair, finding their way to the back of my head so he can tip my face back with a pull, the better to delve his tongue in deeper.

I’m melting like flipping caramel.

My legs shift and I offer myself up to him, teasing him with my tongue until he gives back another groan. In the fierceness of his kiss, I lose every doubt.

I forget about pretend.

I forget my insecurities.

I forget that he’s a man so vastly outside my reach that this wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for a big reckless lie.

I think I even forget my own name.

All I know is him.Him.

The way he smells like teakwood and expensive leather and something else I can’t pin down that makes every inch of my skin bristle.

His free hand grips my waist, fingers tightening, until he reaches up and trails a path of heat around my breast.

His thumb starts stroking circles while his fingers graze my pussy, taunting me to make him stop.

I can’t.

I won’t.

I’ve never wanted anyone to touch me like he does now.

It’s a visceral thing, this forceful want.
