Page 34 of Fracture

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“Why should I believe anything you say?”

“He used to be close with Aaron. The prick that raped Lennox.”

Ev gasps.

“And when I brought you here last weekend, he kept checking out your ass. In a creepy I don’t give a fuck way. I don’t like the guy. I only tolerate him because he’s one of my frat brothers.”

She covers her mouth with one hand.

“You wanted me to see you here with another guy, whether to get back at me or whatever, you made your point. I’m the biggest piece of shit, I never should’ve lied to you. Let me make it up to you. Please.”

“No. I’m leaving. Tell Bryson I wasn’t feeling good and had to go home. I’m done with you. I’m never stepping foot here again.”

This time when she walks away, I let her go.

Chapter 9


“I take it our plan didn’t work?” Len asks from where she sits on the couch as I walk through the door.

“What gave it away? How early I am? Or my cry face?” Our genius idea to get back at Landon, well let’s just say, it wasn’t genius.

Len mutes the TV and pats the cushion next to her. I sit next to her, and she wraps an arm around my shoulders and tugs her blanket over my legs. “What happened?”

“It went well at first, besides the fact that Bryson is a sleazeball. He kept grabbing my ass even though I kept telling him it made me uncomfortable.”

“Ew, what a fucking dick.”

“Right? So, I told myself to hold out until I at least saw Landon. I knew he was mixing drinks, so I told Bryson I wanted one. I could barely look at Landon, ugh I’m the worst at lying, but he didn’t look phased anyway.”

“Pshh, all he’s got is a good poker face.” Len responds.

“That is until Bryson told him I was a good kisser.”

“You kissed Bryson?”

“No, but apparently he has no problem lying.”

“Oh my God, what did Landon say?”

“He was a jerk, saying I was nothing more than his sloppy seconds, Bryson defended me by saying I wasn’t sloppy, and neither were my kisses, I played along, and Landon looked pissed.” I straighten my shoulders and wipe the mascara from under my eyes. “Good.”

“Did he say anything else?”

“Nope, he went quiet. Gave us our drinks and walked away.”

“Oh, he was mad and didn’t want to show it. Good let him think you two kissed. He deserves it.”

“I couldn’t stand hanging around Bryson for much longer, and when he tried to kiss me and grabbed my neck, I was done. I went outside, cried a little, and that’s when Landon found me. Tried to apologize again and then told me how much of a jerk Bryson is. I told him I didn’t believe him. Why should I after he lied?”

“I’m not defending Landon in any way, but I doubt he’s lying based on what you’ve told me about Bryson. He obviously doesn’t know what the word no means.”

“Yeah, I know. Landon also told me Bryson used to be close with…ugh, I hate even bringing this up.”

“You don’t have to say his name. And that’s all I need to know to believe Landon. Fuck this Bryson guy.”

“It pissed me off Landon was right. Once again, I felt like such an embarrassed fool, so I left. I didn’t even tell Bryson I was leaving. I don’t want to go back to that frat house ever again.” I rest my head on Len’s shoulder and blink back a fresh set of tears.

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