Page 35 of Fracture

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“Oh, Ev, I’m so sorry all that happened. I wish we knew what kind of guy Bryson was before we chose him. Damn it, I knew we should’ve gone with Keegan. Now he’s hot.”

“Eh, he’s one of those that seem hot from far away but up close- not cute.”

We dissolve into a fit of giggles. “Thanks Len. You always know how to make me feel better.”

Len squeezes me tight, and I return the hug. Fuck parties, guys, and all that bullshit. I don’t want to date anyone, it’s not my thing. At least not now. I’m close to becoming a nurse, something I’ve always dreamed of becoming. Why let love complicate it?

No matter how many times my mom will text me asking if I went out on a date yet, or if I am bringing anyone special home for the holidays, I don’t care. Guys suck and that’s all there is to it.

“Ev! Hi! I missed your face.” Bella smiles over the Facetime call, her messy hair peeking out from her hoodie. I just got home from a long day of clinicals and all I can think about right now is sleep.

“I meant to call you back last night, but clinicals are rough.”

“Yeah, yeah, always with the excuses. Since when does college make you so busy?” She grins. “Did you read my text? Or the one Mom sent?”

“From when, today?”


“No, I walked in the door five minutes ago. I haven’t even showered or eaten anything. What’s up? Don’t tell me mom got you on the dating profile train too.”

Bella makes a disgusted face. “Hell no. But…”

She trails off and I hold my breath. Oh no, something tells me I won’t like what she has to say…

“Our cousin, Lorelai, is getting married in a few months. We’re all invited, including a plus one, and Mom keeps going on and on about how she expects her two girls to show up with someone, and she’ll be mortified if we’re sitting at the singles table.”

My stomach sinks. “Do we even have to go? It’s not like we’re close with Mom’s side of the family.”

“Ha, try telling Mom that.”

“I don’t get why she tries to impress her family so much. What’s the big deal if we’re still single?”

“You’re asking the wrong person. How about we go as each other’s dates?”

We both laugh.

“You know they’ll love that. So, is this what you wanted to tell me so bad?”

“I was trying to catch you before Mom did. Give you a heads up. I think we should happen to be out of town that weekend. I can say it’s for work and you can say it’s a senior trip or some shit. We can meet up and have a sister’s weekend and avoid this whole thing.”

“Sounds like a good idea to me.”

“Mom will never let us get away with that and you know it.” Bella sighs. “She started sending me dating profiles too.”

“Ha! Welcome to hell.”

We catch up a little and then I let her go so I can shower and eat. Just as I’m ready to climb into bed and call it a night, Len knocks on my door and pops her head in.

“Ev, you still up? Landon’s here.”


“Yeah, he wants to see you. I tried to tell him you were already in bed, but he said it’ll be quick.”

I haven’t talked to Landon since the night I walked away from him. It’s only been a few days and I was hoping it would last longer.

“Can you just tell him I’m already asleep or I’m washing my hair or something?”

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