Page 33 of Fracture

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If I didn’t walk out, I knew I’d soon react, unable to stand looking at them any longer. Besides, Bryson can be a creep. He used to be close with Aaron, the piece of shit that raped Lennox, so right there that tells you what a slimeball he is. He’s pretty deceiving though which scares me. What if Everleigh is naive enough to fall for his tricks?

Don’t intervene. You don’t care, remember?

But I can’t let her get taken advantage of either.

I try to head outside through the back door but Keegan stops me. “Landon, you’re needed in the kitchen.”

Damn it. “I just need a five minute break and some fresh air.”

“Alright, not too long though, okay?”

I nod and walk outside and onto the backyard patio. A few people linger around, but not as many as inside. The air is cool, but not chilly yet, like it will be once we hit October next month. There’s a bonfire going and a few guys roasting marshmallows.

I breathe in the fresh air and sit down at one of the picnic tables. My eyes wander around and stop at a familiar figure standing off in the corner, looking away towards the beach. I squint my eyes and try to figure out who it is when I realize it’s Everleigh.

And she’s alone.

Without hesitating, I get up and walk over to her. As I get closer, I notice her shoulders shaking. Then I hear her soft cries.

It’s like a flip switches in my brain and I’m suddenly seeing red and gritting my teeth.

He better not have done something to her. Why is she out here crying, alone?

I reach out and touch her shoulder. She gasps and spins around, swatting at her eyes. “Shit, you scared me.”

“Are you okay?” I ask even though she’s clearly not.

“Yeah, it’s nothing.”

“I know I’m the last person you want to talk to, but I really am sorry about last weekend. If Bryson did something to you though—” My jaw tightens and I swallow hard. “I need to know.”

She shakes her head and says nothing.

“Everleigh, I’m serious. If he did anything to make you uncomfortable—”

“No, it’s fine. I’m fine. I just want to go home.”

“I can take you.”

“I promised Bryson I wouldn’t leave. I just hate being here, all I can think of is last weekend, this was so stupid, I should’ve never come here.” She throws her hands up in the air and storms off towards the gate. But I’m too quick. I grab her by the arm and yank her towards me.

She lands in my arms, our bodies touching. I ignore the alarm bells going off in my head, my hormones going haywire and shooting straight to my dick.

Ev pushes off me and stumbles back a step. “Don’t touch me.”

I hold my hands up. “I just want to talk to you. You walk away or ignore me when I’m trying to explain myself.”

“You don’t need to. I read your texts. It still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t forgive you. You brought me to a fucking party under false pretenses and embarrassed the shit out of me. You won me over by promising me new things you knew any girl would love to have. Why the fuck should I forgive you?”

God damn she’s hot when she’s mad.

If I wasn’t so annoyed myself, I’d be enjoying watching her get all riled up.

“You’re right. You shouldn’t. But coming here with that slimy asshole isn’t a smart idea. Especially when you don’t have a lot of experience.”

Her mouth drops open and she shakes her head. “You’re unbelievable. Trying to apologize to me yet still saying asshole things. Did you memorize a how to be an asshole book when you were younger or something?”

“I’m serious, Ev. He’s not a good dude.”

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