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“Hey, sorry,” I answer. “My phone slipped.”

“Oh gotcha.”

“What’s up?” I ask.

I can practically hear his shrug through the phone. “Missed you. Wanted to see what you were doing.”

My cheeks heat. “I’m out for lunch with Megan and Marley right now, but I think I should be free after. I can stop over if you want?”

“Oh shoot, you’re out for lunch? Petals, why did you answer? I don’t want to interrupt your time.”

I chuckle. “Marley’s the one who answered. I was going to text you but she snatched my phone.”

“Sounds like typical Marley.” There’s a shuffling from through the phone, and I pull it away from my ear for a moment. “But yeah, come over when you’re done, I want to show you something. Tell the girls I say hi.”

We exchange goodbyes, and hang up. I set my phone down, giving Marley a soft glare. “I was trying to be nice, and not answer the phone while we are out to eat, but then you had to swipe the phone from me!”

Megan snorts. “You don’t have to ignore him for us. In fact, we want you to answer the phone.”

I raise my brow. “Um, why?”

Marley is the one to respond this time. “Because, we are excited for you. We want you two to be together, and if answering the phone at lunch can help with that, then that’s what we want.”

I shake my head. “You guys are so weird.” They both nod in agreement. “Next time, I’m not answering it. He can be patient.”

“Since we are on the subject,” says Marley, “Can I ask how it’s going?”

A wistful sigh falls from my lips before I can think twice about it.

The girls both burst out in “awww’s”. “Tell us everything!” Megan reaches across the table, clasping my hand in hers, squeezing tightly.

“There isn’t much to tell. We’ve been out on a few dates, and are spending a lot of time together.” I shrug. I shouldn’t downplay it, because in reality I can feel myself falling head over heels for him.

Marley squeals, clapping her hands together. “I knew you two would be perfect together.”

“Andrew would not shut up about you, I had to come up with some bullshit excuse about a confidentiality clause to get him off my back. It all worked out though, thanks to Marley.”

I agree. “Yeah, that’s for sure. I owe you big time, Mar.”

She waves me off. “You can do my flowers when I get married.”

I raise my brow. “Is that happening soon?”

Marley goes pale. “No no no. Just, um,” she stutters. “Eventually. Not soon. Not like I’ll marry anyone anyway. I’m going to die alone. All alone.”

Megan pulls Marley into her side as she tries to hide the tears welling in the corner of her eyes. “Enough about me.”

I clear my throat, sacrificing a little bit of my humanity to take the attention off her. “I’m pretty sure he’s trying to kill me.”

That perks her right up. “I’m sorry, what?” Marley is ready to throw hands.

“No,” I practically shout. “Not actually. I mean, he’s on this kick of ‘going slow’” I make air quotes with my fingers. “And I swear to god you guys, my vagina is a needy whore.”

Their eyes widen, and they stare at me, completely silent. “He’s withholding sex?” Megan whispers.

“Yes,” I whisper back. “Not to be mean, though. The night of our first date, things got hot, like, really hot, really fast, and on our next date, he told me he wanted to take things slow. To prove that he wants something more. Not just sex. But I know that, I can tell, I feel the same way about him. And you guys. I think he’s trying to kill me. He keeps giving me little teases, little touches and glances that make my panties melt, and fuck me sideways, I need him.” I sag into the seat, all the air leaving my lungs in a puff.

Marley bursts into laughter. “Oh my god. That is such a fucking Andrew thing to do, with the gallantry and shit. It’s sweet, don’t get me wrong, but holy shit. A girl has needs.”
