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“Istill can’t believe Andrew had no idea what I was planning,” Marley says, smiling at me over her steaming cup of coffee. Her bangs are hanging over her eyes, long brown hair curled in loose waves to frame her face. She looks cozy and cute in a pair of black leggings, and an oversized sage green sweater. I treated her and Megan to breakfast this morning as a thank you. My phone has been ringing off the hook the last week with calls for weddings a year in advance, events that don’t even have a date set yet, and so much more. Word of mouth is a pretty crazy thing.

I smile, feeling my cheeks heat at the mention of his name. Megan snickers over her cup of tea. “Needless to say, we were both pretty surprised,” I say.

“Marley, do you have any of their pictures ready yet?” Megan asks. Megan’s blonde hair is pulled into a low bun at the nape of her neck. She’s dressed for a day at the clinic in a flowy floral top and high waisted black dress pants. Her shiny black heels are the perfect tie in for her outfit. I feel a bit like a slob next to her, but when I mentioned it, she gushed about how jealous she was that I could wear whatever I wanted for work, which made me feel better.

She shakes her head. “Not quite.” She glances up at me, cringing slightly. “Sorry, things have just been so crazy with wedding season picking up. I promise I’ll get to them soon.”

I wave her off. “Don’t worry about it. It’s been what, a month? No rush. Speaking of, how much do I owe you for the session?”

Marley gasps. “You think you’re paying for that? Not a chance.”

“But-” She interrupts me.

“No. This was my treat. I’ve been wanting to add this type of shoot to my portfolio, and when I met you and saw how you and Andrew acted around each other, I couldn’t not have you two be my first subjects. No charge.” She narrows her deep brown eyes, daring me to challenge her.

I sink back into the booth. “Alright, but if you change your mind-”

“I won’t.”

“But if you do, you know where to find me.”

Megan is the one to speak up next. “Josie, did Marley show you pictures from my wedding? The pictures of the flowers turned out incredible,” she gushes.

“Crap, I totally forgot I was going to send you those! Ugh, I’m such a mess lately.” Marley picks her phone off the table, typing frantically. A moment later, my phone lights up with a text from her, a link to the photo gallery. “Feel free to use those for promo, or whatever you want,” Marley says.

I scroll through the photos, my eyes welling with tears. It’s probably stupid to be this emotional over pictures of flowers, but it’s like seeing all of my dreams come to fruition. “Wow, Marley. Thank you.”

“Thank you,” Megan answers first. “I’m so thankful we found your information, and it worked out for you to take us on as clients. The day wouldn’t have been nearly as beautiful without your help.”

Marley pipes in. “And don’t do that thing where you try to downplay your talent. You’re incredible.”

I simply nod. Words fail me. To have these two talented women give me such high regards is something so comforting. It gives me hope that this is something I will succeed at.

“Also, we’re friends now.” Megan simply states. “Marley and I decided that you’re part of our group. We’re small but mighty.”

Laughter bubbles up my chest. “Thank you, I would love that. I don’t have too many girl friends, like I was telling Marley at your wedding. My best friend and I… it’s a long story, but I’m taking some space away from her.”

“Yeah, you’ll fit in. Marley’s only other friend is Beau.”

Marley swats Megan’s arm. “Hey!”

“Am I wrong?” Megan taunts.

“No, but still.”

Megan drapes her arm over Marley’s shoulders, kissing her cheek with a loud smack. “You know I love you. Annnnd…” Megan drags the word out.

Marley slaps a hand over her mouth before she can say anything else. “Don’t you say a word about it.”

Megan sits back, mimicking zipping her lips shut. Marley nods. “Thank you.” I don’t say anything, though I know exactly what is silently being talked about. I haven’t even met Beau yet, but if anything Andrew says is true, I know that he needs to get his shit together when it comes to Marley.

My phone buzzes on the table next to us. Andrew. I can’t help but smile at the sight of his name. I silence the ringer, I’m not going to answer when I’m out with my friends. Marley peers across the table, and when she sees his name, she grabs the phone.

“Hey!” I gasp, reaching across to swipe it back from her. She slides her finger across the screen, answering it for me. She doesn’t say a word though, just holds the phone out for me to grab. I purse my lips in confusion, but take it from her outstretched hand. Andrew’s voice carries through the line.

“Josie-girl?” his voice is worried.
