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“My vibrator has gotten a lot of action,” I mutter under my breath.

Megan cackles.

“I’m not going to pressure him, obviously, but I feel like a ticking time bomb.” I drop my head in my hands, pushing my hair back from my face.

“I think it’s cute, but I totally get the ticking time bomb thing. It’ll happen when it happens,” Megan says, taking a sip of her tea.

Once the bill is paid, we walk to our vehicles together, and hug goodbye, with plans to meet up soon, next time at the brewery in town. I guess Marley loves when there’s bands there, and sometimes they host karaoke nights.

Climbing into my car, I plug my phone in, peeking at my messages before I drive across town. I have two messages, one from my mom, and one from Tessa. With a huff of irritation, I open the message from Tessa.


Josie, please, answer me. I really miss you, and I’ve said I’m sorry. We can move past this.

A crazed laugh falls from my mouth, and I swipe out of the message from her, opening the message from my mom.


I just saw Tessa at the grocery store, and she seemed a little out of it. Is everything okay with you two?

I drop my head to the steering wheel. I’m so irritated with this whole situation.

With the line ringing, I put it on speakerphone as I pull out of the restaurant. Mom answers after the second ring. “Hi, honey,” she says.

“Hey Mom,” I reply. “I figured it would be easier for me to call then try and explain what’s going on over text.

“What’s going on with Tessa?”

“She’s dating Zack.”

“What do you mean, she’s dating Zack?”

“Like… they are in a relationship, and moving in together. She told me over the phone about a month ago. I guess they’ve been together since shortly after I left. She just didn’t tell me until the phone call.”

Mom pauses, not saying anything. “Are you okay with them being together?”

“Yes? No? Ugh, I don’t know, Mom. I’m hurt that she didn’t tell me, and hurt because she saw first hand how Zack treated me, and she still decided to give him a chance anyway. Does she not understand the concept of girl code?”

“I’m sorry, honey. I know how hard that must be. But I’m sure it will work itself out. How are things going otherwise?”

“I’m happy here. I am getting clients, and making friends, and I… I met someone.” I’ve been hesitant to tell my mom, not out of shame, or fear, but because she tends to get overly excited at potential events.

“You met someone?” her voice slowly raises an octave. Cue crazy mother.

“Yes, and it’s still early, so don’t freak out.”

“I won’t, I promise. I’m so happy. Tell me everything.”

“His name is Andrew, he runs his own woodcraft business, and he was born and raised here in Ivy Ridge.” I keep it short and sweet. If I give her more detail, she’ll start fantasizing about what our babies will look like.

“Well that’s great, Josie. I can’t wait to meet him.”

I pull my car into Andrew’s driveway, and Travis rushes toward my car from the backyard. He’s got a dopey look on his face, tongue flying in the wind as he runs to me. “Mom, I have to go. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Okay dear, I love you.”

“I love you too.” We hang up, and I take a second to collect my emotions, then open the door to greet Travis.
