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“Show me,” she brazenly responds.

I shake my head, my dick throbbing angrily. “Not tonight. Tonight, I just want to be with you. We went zero to one hundred last week, and I want you to know that I’m not just chasing you for sex. I want this to be more.” Fuck it, I’m not cooling it. I’m showing my whole hand.

Josie’s eyes soften. “I want this to be more too.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to, though,” I grumble, leaning over to whisper in her ear. “Just means that this time, I get to work you up, build up the tension, one kiss, one touch at a time.”

Josie sucks in a breath. “Okay,” she replies as she breathes out.

“Good,” I answer. I kiss down her jawline to her lips, giving myself one more taste for tonight.

She snuggles into my side, using the remote to turn on the tv. I wrap my arms around her, throwing my legs up onto the ottoman. Velma hops up onto my lap, purring loudly again when I pet her.

On the arm of the couch, Josie’s phone starts buzzing incessantly. She looks down at it, scoffing.

“What is it?” I ask. I’m not trying to pry, but also a little curious, based on her reaction.

“My ex, Zack. He called me yesterday too. I didn’t answer, but he texted me today, telling me I need to forgive Tessa.”

My gut churns, wanting so badly to punch the shit outta this guy for irritating her. “Anything I can do to help?” I ask.

“Nope, I’m ignoring them for now, I just need to figure out what to say to them eventually.”

“Good for you, petals.” I press a kiss to her temple.

Josie squeezes my midsection, then sits up on her knees. “Did I tell you I booked a few more weddings?” Her voice is elated, eyes shining.

“Holy shit, you did?” I lean back, my eyes widening, mirroring her excitement.

“I did!” She nods, her face turning a cute shade of pink “One of them is in a month, though she has actually been on my books for a while, and another toward the end of summer. Both clients came from Marley. I owe her, big time.”

“She won’t see it that way,” I say, scooting Velma off my lap so I can turn sideways to face her. “She is happy to help anyone. That’s who she is.”

“Well, she brought me you,” she blushes again, her freckles standing out. “And she is helping me get my business off the ground, so I need to do something for her.” Josie pushes back another loose curl from my forehead. “Maybe I can help her and Beau get together.”

I chuckle. “Good luck. I’ve been trying for years.”

“Maybe a new perspective could help,” Josie says with a smile. She lifts her fingertip to tap the tip of my nose. “Perspective can change everything.”

“Very good point,” I reply, booping her nose as she did mine.

“I might need to look into hiring an assistant.”

“How come?” I ask. “You seemed to have everything under control at Megan’s wedding.”

She nods. “Yeah, because I had you. I didn’t realize how badly I needed a second set of hands until I had you helping. You helped more than you realize.”

The solution is simple, really. “I’ll be your assistant.”

“No,” she stammers over her words. “I couldn’t ask you to do that. What if you have plans? You don’t want to spend your whole Saturday being my assistant.”

“It’s a good thing you didn’t ask, then. Josie, I want to help you. Anything I can do to spend time with you is something I want to do.” I peer into her eyes, so she knows I’m being truthful. “How about we give it a test run at the wedding, and then if it doesn’t work, you can hire someone.”

She thinks for a moment before smiling widely. “Alright, you’ve got a deal. Maybe someday I can help in your shop too,” she says.

“I’d love that.” I lean forward, kissing her softly.

