Page 51 of Dragon Rogue

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He pulled her close.

She gasped as pain clawed through her.

His hand snapped away from her as though she’d shocked him.

Reaching for his hand, she pulled it close and placed it where it didn’t hurt.

Ever gentle, his fingers splayed across her lower back while his other hand slipped along her nape to support her head as his kisses deepened.

His lips lingered before he finally broke away, dipping his head to the crook of her shoulder, arms wrapped around her so that she was completely enveloped in their safety and warmth.

He inhaled, releasing it with a long sigh.

She relaxed into him, laying her head on his shoulder.

“I guess we have work to do.”

He nodded against her shoulder, then lifted his head, holding her gaze. “You okay to do this?”

Her hand found his again and squeezed. “I am.”

Chapter 20

The investigation into Clive and Merwin’s escape continued after Jori’s departure, along with Kymri, Elora, and their human, Jonathan.

Sten was on duty outside Marli’s room, ensuring no one bothered her while she slept. Phone gripped in hand, he inspected the stills Eamerson sent him from the security cameras.

He was frustrated to no end that they couldn’t find whomever had let the prisoners out. Especially when he was the only suspect.

He’d reviewed the camera footage with Eamerson’s tech crew, which clearly showed him emerging from the library toward the stairwell that led down. Then, half an hour later, he emerged from the stairs and took the elevator up to his floor back to his room. Many other males came and went during those time frames. The cameras only covered the elevator and stairwells, but he’d seen himself accessing floors and rooms he didn’t normally frequent.

Eamerson also pointed out anomalies among other males, seeming to be in two places at once, which matched some of the complaint files he managed.

Since the escape, every male in the mountain was interviewed. Since the attack on Marli in the valley, more males volunteered to help with the investigation.

The culprits hadn’t returned. They knew they’d sealed their fates when they’d risked going after her. No one pursued them either.

Unless they met up with Clive and Merwin, they weren’t a threat to Aeleftheria—at least not immediately. And imprisoning them wouldn’t help if the individual that freed the previous prisoners wasn’t found. They could just let them out, too.

Or maybe that’s what was needed? A way to entrap the mystery person…

He’d begun thinking along those lines when Goliath stepped out of the elevator and approached him to take his post outside of Marli’s room.

The morning after Marli was confined to her room, Goliath had joined Sten in the hall without a word.

He hadn’t explained himself, but it was clear he’d become Marli’s personal bodyguard and Sten’s strongest new ally in the mountain conflicts.

Hours later, he broke the silence. “It’s good that our new king is planning a funeral for our old king. I want to be part of it.”

The sincerity in Goliath’s face prompted Sten to nod. “Come with me when I meet with Jori.”

“Appreciate it.”

The silence returned until Eamerson appeared to relieve Sten, and was equally surprised to see Goliath.

“I’m glad you joined the deputies, Frederick. Your work is really helping the tribe.” Eamerson said to the larger man.

Goliath grunted.

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