Page 100 of Steel Promise

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“You worry too much then.” I hop off the bed. Honestly, I can’t blame him for being a little on edge—the birth was not easy. It was a solid six hours, which isn’t too bad, or so my doctor tells me. She can have contractions and try to shove a baby out for six freaking hours if she thinks it’s so freaking easy.

I hurry over to the closet and dig around until I find the box I hid a few days ago. I had it sent here because Saul opens everything that shows up the second it lands on the stoop whether it has his name on it or not—the guy’s obsessed with freaking packages.

“You really got me a present?” he says, sounding amused. And fair enough, I don’t buy him stuff very often. He’s one of those annoying people with too much money and perfect taste, which means he has everything he wants.

“Well, I used your money, so you got yourself a present. You’re welcome? Also thank you?” I turn around and walk over with it hidden behind my back. “It was kind of expensive, but it’s important that I give it to you.”

“Now I’m very curious.” He sits up straight, amused by my stupid antics. “Can I guess first?”

“Go ahead, try it.”

“The head of my enemies.”

I roll my eyes. “No. Too gory. And I don’t think I could buy that online.”

“Good point. Okay, you got me… lingerie?”

My lips pinch. “Yes, Saul, I got you lingerie… and I expect you to wear it.”

“It better be frilly and pink. I’ll look fucking good.”

A very weird thrill runs through my chest picturing him in nothing but a pair of frilly pink boxer briefs. I don’t know why I’m turned on right now and it’s definitely something I need to investigate later on.

“No, idiot, will you just let me give you the stupid present?” I clear my throat because I had this whole speech planned and he’s running it. “Okay, listen up. You saved my life. Before you, I felt like every day was going to be my last. My every waking moment was a nightmare of stress and worry. But then I met you, and I really didn’t like you at first even though the sex was good?—”

“It’s still good,” he says, interrupting.

“Yes, thanks, it’s still good. Will you let me have my moment?” He mimes zipping his lips and I continue. “But then you showed me who you are. Saul, you’re a good man, better than I deserve, and I want to live up to you every day just like you live up to me the best you can. And in that spirit, I want to give you this stupid thing, and I hope you like it.”

I hand him the box.

It’s unwrapped. He stares, eyebrows raised high. It’s green, satin, like a fancy high-end jewelry box. Except there’s only one symbol on the outside: A simple golden crown.

“You got me… a Rolex?” He flips open the lid. And then he gets it and bursts out laughing.

I grin right along with him. “It’s the same one I stole from you,” I tell him. “Well, not the exact same one, but the same kind, right?”

“Right,” he says, taking it out of the case and trying it on. “How the hell did you figure that out?”

“I looked at basically a million pictures of freaking watches until I recognized one. Did you know how many different kinds of Rolexes there are?”

“A million,” he agrees, twisting his wrist. It’s a little big and he’ll have to adjust it, but my heart immediately swells.

“I wanted to make amends and I figured, what better way than to give you back what I took away?”

“Baby, I’d gladly let you steal all my fucking watches if it means we’d end up together, but I love this. I love it so much, and I love you.”

“I love you too,” I say, pride filling me over a job well done. His reaction is exactly what I wanted, and I don’t mind one bit when he drags me toward him and kisses me.

Which lasts all of ten seconds before the baby starts crying.

“I’ll get it,” he says, moving to get up, but I push him back.

“No, you sit there and look at the watch and think about how I’m such a great wife, okay? I’ll take care of Dante.”

“You really are amazing,” he says as I head to the door. “You know that, right?”

I look back at him and smile. “No shit. I’m the best.”
