Page 373 of The Devil's Fire

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“Fuck you!” I grabbed my knife and ducked as I whirled around fast.

I blocked his arm with the knife as I struck at him from below as sadness and rage overwhelmed me.

I would rather die knowing I at least tried fighting for my loved ones.

I watched the way my knife slid across his face. Carlos stumbled back into the safety railing as he clutched his face.

“You fucking bitch!” He screamed.

“Shut up already.” I lunged after ducking before he could grab me and kicked the back of his leg.

Carlos landed harshly on the grating, and I instantly climbed on top of him to keep him down. Gripping my knife, I raised it high above my head with adrenaline pumping like crazy.

I was ready to end his life once and for all.

I plunged the knife down, aiming for his throat.

Carlos blocked it and delivered a hard blow to the side of my neck. I dropped the knife, choking and becoming dizzy, losing focus on what was going on.

He shoved me away, and I forced myself to cough, struggling to catch a breath and fill my lungs.

But it was short-lived.

Carlos got on top of me and wrapped his arms around my throat.

“You really do make everything so fucking difficult.” He hissed. “I wasn’t planning on killing you yet, but you deserve to fucking die for what you just did! Sleep tight, sister!”

I was gagging, and my airway was almost entirely cut off. He added more pressure, and I knew it was almost over for me.

I tried to move my head to the side to buy myself some time, only to notice we were on the edge of the walkway. With one hard push, we would both fall out of the wide safety railing.

We were at least twenty feet up—enough for the fall to be fatal.

“Then you’re dying with me, brother.” I choked out.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I used my legs to help me, and we both rolled over the edge.

one hundred eighteen


I cried out in pain as I gripped the edge; it felt like my fingers were on the verge of being sliced off. My body swayed twenty feet up in the air, struggling to hold on as I was too heavy.

Looking down, my heart went to my throat at the height. My life depended on the strength in my arms, which were practically nonexistent since I had prioritized eating over trying to be physically stronger.

“Let go of me, Carlos!” I shouted. He was holding onto my legs, adding more weight, when I was barely able to handle my own.

I could feel the sweat drip down my face as I panted, literally holding on for dear life with that ugly bitch hanging onto me.

“You crazy bitch! If I’m going down, you’re coming with me!”

“I would rather kill myself than die with you!” I tried to kick him off, but he clung onto me. I had to be careful with how much I moved if I didn’t want to lose too much of my grip.

“I will take you with me!” The bastard started to jerk around, making me gasp as my hold loosened on the edge of the platform.

“Carlos, stop!” I gritted my teeth.

My arms were burning, and I knew they would give up soon. I would be falling for God knows how long until I hit the ground. My spine would break, and my skull would be split open, spilling my brain mass everywhere.

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