Page 374 of The Devil's Fire

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It would be one horrifying death.

“We will both die if you keep moving!” I shouted.

“That’s the point, bitch!” Carlos had the audacity to laugh. I could feel my fingers slip and I squeezed my eyes shut.

Life isn’t fucking fair at all.

It wasn’t fair for Damiano to find me dead on the ground like that. Sienna’s story flashed in my mind, and my eyes welled up with tears for Damiano. It wasn’t fair that this was going to happen to him again, to have his happiness completely stripped away once more.

Once he found me, he would break, and I was afraid what would happen to him because I knew he wouldn’t try to seek that happiness again.

He has already gone through so much.

With Sienna.

With our baby.

Now, me.

I prayed for him.

I prayed he would be okay, no matter what the outcome would be.

I prayed for everyone I had come to love and care for, hoping they would be okay.


I snapped my eyes open and looked down at Carlos, witnessing his struggle to hold on.

Grabbing the opportunity, I tried my best to wiggle one foot out of his grip. I would be able to hang on for a bit longer without him clinging to me.

“Let go already!” I hissed, attempting to kick him off me.

The son of a bitch had the nerve to laugh.

“I’m taking you with me to hell!” Carlos twisted his body, shaking us, and my fingers slipped even more.

“Go suck Satan’s cock for ice cream. You will be needing it.”

With one hard kick to his hands, he fell.

“You fucking bit -” He never got to finish his sentence as he hit the ground.

I gasped in horror at the gruesome sight that unfolded before me. I had failed to notice the metal poles sticking out of the ground, and Carlos landed directly on top of one, becoming impaled. The metal pole jutted out from his stomach, and I could see bits and chunks of his insides on it. His mouth and eyes were agape, frozen in a macabre gaze that pierced right through me.

I felt sick.

I pushed my nausea aside and focused on hauling myself up. It was only a matter of seconds before I would taste the same fate as Carlos.

“Oh, God… oh, God…!” I gasped as one hand slipped.

My body was swaying too much for me to hold on, and I tried with all my might to regain my grip. However, my arm was too heavy and in too much pain for me to raise it.

I watched helplessly as my fingers slowly slipped from the edge, and there was nothing I could do. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to witness the last moments of my life.

I fell.

I felt the rush in my entire body, almost like the sensation before going on a fast roller coaster. Except, this was the feeling before plunging to my death.

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