Page 30 of Filthy Lawyer

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At four in the morning,I put my head down on the table and surrendered.My task was impossible, and my brain wasn’t focused on anything but Mr. Carter’s lips.

“Miss Tanner?” a soft voice said moments later. “Miss Tanner?”

“Huh? What?” I looked up and saw an intern setting a fruit plate in front of me.

“I’ve prepared a private suite for you upstairs,” she said. “I wasn’t sure what type of body wash you liked, so I bought four different types.”


“Yeah.” She nodded. “There’s a whole floor of those whenever you have to pull an all-nighter.”

Mr. Carter didn’t tell me that.

As if she could read my mind, she picked up my plate and motioned for me to follow her.

We rode to the top floor, and I bit my lip to prevent my jaw from dropping. This was practically a hotel with the best views of Manhattan.

“Okay, look.” She ushered me inside a room with a king-sized bed. “You have to take care of yourself if you want to survive here. Otherwise, everyone will eat you alive.”

“It’s my second week and I already want to die.”

“If it makes you feel any better, most first-year lawyers don’t make it past the interview process.”

I was far too exhausted to smile about that minor accomplishment.

“Don’t get straight to work after entering the firm,” she said. “Go to the research library and use the time to make it seem like you’re reading, but take a twenty-minute power nap. Oh, and don’t waste time running back and forth to the coffee makers. There are tons of interns here like me who can make sure you always have some in hand.”

“Thanks,” I said. “Why are you helping me?”

She pointed to the pink “Theater is My Life” and “Acting is my Lifeline” pins on my coat.

“I was a theater geek, too,” she said. “I know what it’s like to be underrated and overwhelmed.”

“Good to know.”

After she handed over the suite key, I undressed and stepped into the shower.

Letting a replay of Damien’s lips dominate my thoughts, I stood under the streams until I couldn’t take anymore.

Damien Carter

I came to the tombs to get a file and didn’t see you working.

Did you get lost again, or did you go home?

I need an answer, Miss Tanner. Now.




The Innocence Project.

‘Caring is Sharing’ Nonprofit

The Association of Justice for All

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