Page 66 of Trusting Forever

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I did some shopping at the mall to avoid running into Sebastian and Ember in town. Then I met my friend, Amelia, at Max’s Bar and Grill by the harbor.

As soon as I saw her at the hostess stand, she hugged me. We’d worked together when we first became teachers. She’d since married her high school sweetheart and moved to a school district further out. But we made it a point to get together a few times a year.

“How are you?” Amelia asked as she pulled away, and we followed the hostess to our table.

“Good. How about you?” I asked when we sat, and I accepted the menus from the waitress.

A smile spread over her face. “We’re thinking of having a baby this year.”

“Amelia, that’s great news. I’m so happy for you.” I knew she wanted kids sooner rather than later.

“Thanks! I am so happy.” Then she lifted her gaze from the menu. “How are you? Are you seeing anyone?”

I bit my lip. “Kind of.”

Her brow furrowed. “What does that mean?”

“You know I’m living with Sebastian and watching his little girl, Ember?”

Amelia grinned. “You’re the hot nanny. Wait, did you hook up with Sebastian?”

My face flushed.

She nodded in approval. “It’s about time.”

“Not so loud. He doesn’t want anyone to know.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Are you serious?”

“He wants to wait to tell Ember. He’s not sure if she’ll be okay with it.”

“Her mother isn’t in the picture, right? And you’ve been helping him since she was a little girl?”

I nodded. “That’s right.”

“Why would she have a problem with it? From what you’ve said over the years, Ember adores you. She’d probably love to have you in her life in that role.”

I let out a breath as the waitress stopped by our table to introduce herself and get our drink orders. When she walked away, I said, “You know how Sebastian is; he likes to overanalyze every decision in his life.”

“He’s waited this long to make a move on you.”

“That’s the thing. I told him I wanted to start dating in the new year, and then Marley, Sebastian’s brother Heath’s girlfriend, planned this bachelorette auction on the farm.”

Amelia leaned in.

I took a deep breath. “Sebastian bid on me, and I was so stressed out by the whole thing, I fainted.”

Amelia sucked in a breath.

I held up a hand. “Heath caught me before I hit the floor, and afterward, Sebastian took care of me, making sure I had something to eat and drink. When I was feeling better, he said he’d won me for the date. He’d gone there with the hopes of being the highest bidder. He brought in an ice rink and decorated the area with lights. It was magical.”

“That’s so romantic,” Amelia said, pressing a palm to her chest.

“The whole night was surreal. We ate, kissed, and skated. Then we went home, where we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.” I smiled at the memory of the best night of my life.

“Well, yeah, you both have been denying yourselves your whole lives.”

“It was amazing, but the next morning when his brother, Knox, came by with Ember, Sebastian said he wanted to keep us a secret. It makes sense because he’s worried about Ember and how she’ll feel. But it’s bothering me. I can’t ignore how it makes me feel to be in his bed every night and have to sneak out before Ember wakes.”

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